A Hero's First Love - Chapter 3

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Segunda finally ended the dead silence that had occurred between us earlier. I was focusing on fixing her hair into a rosette-patterned bun, a technique she very impatiently made me master.

"I believe that I ought to inform you that I have grown a liking for you," Segunda said.

My hands were frozen in the midst of styling her hair as I felt taken aback by what she said. I stole a quick glance at Segunda's reflection in the mirror, her eyes closed in anticipation, a hint of a smile on her lips.

"I am still wary about you being an unknown entity, but you have been a very good companion in these past few months. Thank you for making things lighter for me and for not causing harm."

"Yeah, because I sometimes volunteer to take care of pets in the shelter," I murmured.

"What?" We said in unison. Hers was filled with shock, while mine was filled with jest. I snorted.

"Don't mind what I said. I was just kidding," I said in between laughs. "I grew fond of you, too."

She opened her eyes and met mine through her reflection, and we shared smiles in silence as we seemingly enjoyed the peace we finally had, a testament to the strong bond we finally shared.

I held her gaze as she held mine, and I am sincerely happy that I got to meet her, not just as an afterthought of history as one of Rizal's lovers, but as a dear friend whose memory I wanted to keep.

I do not want to think that this is merely a dream, for my heart believes all of these to be real. Or, at least, I want to believe that everything is real.

Because for all the months I had stayed with her, now also as a fellow student at Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion de la Concordia after several attempts at convincing her mother, I had bore witness to who she really is beyond what photos and writings could tell us and all the historians who had studied about her, albeit just in passing.

No one can tell me that I just imagine the murmurs I hear coming out of Segunda's mouth when she's asleep, the smell of the freshly cooked tuyo and sinangag served in our boarding house, and the touch of Segunda's hair whenever I fix it.

Segunda cleared her throat, which eventually ended my train of thought and broke the comfortable silence between us.

"Bueno, kindly continue adorning my hair. Make sure to secure everything properly, as I do not want Ipia's brother to think that I am an immodest lady."


Segunda looked sideways before holding her skirt with two hands, ready to careen down the stairs in anticipation of the guest she had been looking forward to seeing every week. She eventually let go of her skirt and smoothed it out as soon as she got down the last step, with me tailing her far behind.

"Move faster, Kaye! Do not be like a tortoise!"

I tried to catch my breath as I got down the last step, holding the banister for dear life.

"What's the rush, anyway? He isn't even the person you're engaged with," I said mindlessly as I held my chest with my right hand, still not letting go of the banister.

Segunda frowned at me but chose not to answer because we both knew that I was right—she was already engaged with Manuel Luz, a relative, and it was a matter of time before the wedding ceremonies were held.

I didn't really mean to tell her off like that, though, because I knew how she always anticipates Pepe's visits. She can't even say Pepe's name directly without blushing, and I could always see the spark in her eyes whenever he's around. I looked at the back of her camisa as she walked down the hallway, eager to get outside the building, where visitors were allowed.

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