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I am trapped in your love and
My escape button is not working

The Range Rover's engine roared as I pushed it to its limits, racing towards the HQ with urgency pulsing through my veins. The mission ahead weighed heavily on my mind, knowing that lives depended on our swift action.

The desolate landscape of farmlands and hillsides blurred past as I covered what would have taken others two hours in just one. Arriving at the HQ, I wasted no time, parking the vehicle inside the compound before making my way to the main hall.

Captain Price's commanding presence greeted me, his voice cutting through the tension in the air. "Ghost! Soap and Gaz! In the conference room in a minute."

With purposeful strides, I joined Soap and Gaz in the conference room where Major Shepherd and Laswell awaited us, ready to brief us on the mission at hand.

Laswell wasted no time in outlining the plan. "Soap and Ghost, gear up. The helicopter is waiting for you. Captain Price and Gaz will be joining the convoy with the other soldiers. You two need to reach the mall beforehand with two other soldiers in the helicopter."

Time was of the essence. With determination, we rose from our seats and headed to the locker room, shedding civilian attire for the familiar weight of our military uniforms and gearing up for the mission ahead.

I opted for my nightwar attire, knowing it was the best choice for the mission ahead under the cover of darkness. Checking my night vision and gear, I ensured everything was secured in place, from the walkie-talkie to my trusty knife. With practiced precision, I loaded my gun and M16 assault rifle, ready for whatever lay ahead.

"Oi! Soap. You ready?" I called out, giving his shoulder a friendly bump.

"Yes Sir!" he replied, his tone resolute.

With determination in our steps, Soap and I marched towards the waiting helicopter, flanked by two other soldiers. The thumping of the rotor blades filled the air as the helicopter lifted off, carrying us towards our destination.

With adrenaline coursing through our veins, we stormed into the mall, weapons at the ready, firing at any terrorist in sight. The air echoed with the screams of civilians seeking refuge, their fear palpable in the chaos.

"Soap, you stay here," I instructed, urgency lacing my voice. "I'm heading to the basement."

Without waiting for a response, I dashed towards the basement, steeling myself for whatever awaited below.

As I descended into the basement, my eyes caught sight of a figure, a lone girl bravely fighting back against the terrorists. Her determination fueled her actions as she unleashed a barrage of gunfire, driving back her assailants.

In a swift move, four men rushed towards her from upstairs, intent on overpowering her. Without hesitation, I joined the fray, eliminating the remaining terrorists in the basement with precise shots.

Racing after the girl as she ascended the stairs, I emerged just in time to witness her fearless leap from a glass window to the other side.

Two of the gunmen followed suit, their intentions clear. With swift reflexes, I aimed and fired, cutting two of them down before they could reach her, ensuring her escape.

"Fucking hell," I cursed under my breath, frustration boiling within as I pivoted and descended back into the fray, relentless in my pursuit of the terrorists.

"Bravo 6, this is Ghost," I radioed in urgently as I fought my way through the chaos. "I'm heading towards the parking lot. Stay here and take out the targets with the other two."

"Roger that Bravo 0-7," Soap's voice crackled over the radio, his determination matching mine.

With every step, the weight of time pressed upon me. I had to reach the parking lot before it was too late, before they harmed her.

As I silently reached the first floor, I took cover behind a nearby car, my heart pounding in my chest. Through the chaos, I spotted the girl, her form limp as she attempted to flee, two gunmen hot on her trail like predators stalking their prey.

Her moans and yelps of pain cut through the air, a haunting echo that stirred something deep within me. In an instant, a flood of memories engulfed me, dragging me back to the horrific scene of my own family's murder, the agony of loss still raw and unyielding.

I couldn't let history repeat itself. Not again.

With determination hardening my resolve, I knew I had to act swiftly. I couldn't let her suffer the same fate as my loved ones. Stealthily, I readied my weapon, preparing to intervene and rescue her from the clutches of her pursuers.

She leaned against the wall. Hands up in surrender while the gunmen aimed at her. I pointed my gun towards their back taking them out both. Bullets hitting their heads and bodies falling to their demise.

I made my way from the darkness to ask the girl if she was alright when I halted in my tracks. She was the same girl from the bar earlier. Beautiful and innocent. Her long hairs beaded in a bread with big brown eyes and cupid lips.

I recognized her but then again I didn't want to show her that I saw her at the bar but wait how can she be so brave being a civilian plus she was carrying a weapon as I saw her holster. "Who are you?" I asked her but the girl denied to reply. I had to check for any weapons so had to turn her around.

The least I could do in my job is to manhandle a woman but it was part pf my job. I recovered a knife and was surprised to know she had used it before. Then soap came and inquired about her.

"We'll find out." I looked at Soap.

"In your dreams." She said.

I had no other option but to take her with us. She was not complying so I had to carry her on my shoulder. I had never carried a girl on my shoulder before. I was nervous but she couldn't walk so I had to carry her towards the helicopter.

As we reached the safety of the HQ, I offered my assistance to the girl, but she stubbornly refused, her distrust evident in her gaze. However, when Soap extended a helping hand, she reluctantly accepted, a glimmer of trust flickering between them.

At least she trusted him.

Our next destination was the interrogation room, a necessary step in uncovering the truth behind her involvement in the chaos at the mall.

Despite her protests and pleas to see a doctor first, I had no choice but to lock her inside the room, the weight of responsibility heavy on my shoulders.

With a heavy heart, I turned away, knowing that our actions were necessary, yet hoping that she would eventually understand the gravity of the situation. As the door closed behind us, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease, uncertainty clouding the path ahead.

Rogue's Touch - Simon Ghost Riley (Call Of Duty)Where stories live. Discover now