Chapter Two: Flashback

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It was around noon when she slipped out of her room. Her tutors were talking about Mountain history (something she found boring and useless), something she really hated. She didn't care about history, it happened in the past and she thought it should stay in the past. 

She had just managed to slip out only by the excuse of "forgetting" her books, which was the perfect excuse.

She instead had a sword strapped to her back, as she ran to the soldiers' training grounds. She hid behind their barracks, watching them as they changed their stances, lunges, and parries. Jinaira would watch the soldiers train, then teach herself the techniques with only one exception, she didn't teach herself the flaws in their techniques. 

She noticed their flaws easily, almost as if second nature and corrected them when teaching herself. This was the only reason she was better than them. She could see the mistakes you couldn't see when doing the action. She noted down their weaknesses and strengths using only the strengths to teach herself. 

But then, she was caught. 

Of course, the Captain of the Guard was there, smiling annoyingly. Why oh why did he have to leave his soldiers to find her instead?

Jinaira hid her sword behind her back before saying, "As your princess, I demand you leave and forget you saw anything."

He laughed before he responded, "No, I just couldn't seeing how much "better" you are than my soldiers. Why don't you show them a thing or two. Call it training if you must." 

Jinaira practically sprinted to the training area and engaged a duel with the Captain's best soldier, a cocky guy who looked similar to something Jinaira called, a rat.

"I'll try to go easy on you since, you are a little girl."

That would make anyone mad but Jinaira had some...anger issues. She lunges and nearly stabbed him, missing only by a hair. He dodged but quickly after, Jinaira lunged back at him again, this time, deflecting his blade with her own. She thrusting her blade at any open point. 

She watched his technique, waiting for a weak spot to appear. Her eyes darted around until she found it. His left foot. He was favoring it, childhood wound perhaps, and she decided to take the upper hand. She kicked it, and when he fell, she pointed her foot onto his chest holding him down and held her sword pointing towards his face. 

"I may be a little girl," She paused, "But at least I don't fight like one."

This made the soldier enraged. He stormed off and reported Jinaira. She spent weeks in the dungeons and the Captain of the Guard was executed. 

So! What did you guys think? I hope you enjoyed it!


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