Chapter Three

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The morning sun cast its light upon the surface of the Potomac River, creating a picturesque yet imposing canvas of the capital city of Washington, DC. The helicopter flew over the vast river and touched down on the helipad on the northern side of the massive structure that was the Pentagon. As the propellers slowed to a stop, the rear ramp descended. From the interior of the helicopter, Dr. Park emerged.

As he made his way down the ramp in an electric wheelchair, he was greeted by a group of armed soldiers. At the head of the party, a tall, burly man stood in contrast with the rest of the group. He wore an open leather jacket that billowed in the wind caused by the propellers and a pair of black sunglasses over his cold and solid expression. He seemed to be staring off into space until the wheels of Park's chair touched the helipad, and then he turned his attention to him.

"Dr. Park?" the man's low voice called out over the roar of the helicopter.

"Yes," Park replied as he wheeled over to meet him. The man towered over Park in his wheelchair and he took it upon himself to make sure he knew it. His stature was great and would surely be intimidating to the average person.

"Agent Nichols, CIA. I'll be your security escort today. Welcome to the Pentagon." The man extended a firm hand for Park to shake. His grip was so strong that Park almost thought he was going to dislocate his knuckles. "This way," Nichols gestured toward the motorcade behind him.

They approached a black stretch limousine. The driver was standing ready to open the door for them. As he did so, an automated ramp extended from inside, allowing Park to conveniently enter the vehicle. It seemed they really were expecting him. As Park situated himself inside the spacious limousine, Nichols stepped in behind him and the driver closed the door before heading to the front. A moment later, the limousine began its slow departure from the helipad, flanked on all sides by a military escort.

Despite the size of the luxury vehicle, there were only two other people inside. One of them was a senior military officer, that much was clear to Park. He had a full head of gray hair and a war-weary expression that rivaled Nichols'. His uniform was decorated with a variety of service ribbons and the patches on either shoulder containing a line of three stars told him that he was a general.

The man sitting next to him, however, was far more important. He looked about twenty years younger than the general and wore a fine, black two-piece suit, and Park recognized him immediately as the Secretary of Defense.

"Good to see you again, Doctor," he said as reached out to shake Park's hand.

"Secretary Grady," Park returned the greeting.

"You're looking well," Secretary Grady said pleasantly. "How was your trip?"

"It was fine, thank you," Park replied, narrowing his eyes into a hardened expression. "If you don't mind, Mr. Secretary, I'd like to forego the pleasantries. I know why I'm here."

Grady sat back in his seat, looking down his nose at Park with a faux smile. "Very well, Doctor. I'm sure you must be very eager to resolve this situation in as timely a manner as possible. I'm here to make certain of that." He directed Park's attention to the officer sitting next to him. "Allow me to introduce Lieutenant General Cline Melsom. He is the man behind the men you have been reporting to for the last five years on Project Machina."

"Is that right?" Park said quietly, his eyes falling on the general.

"Your reputation, er, precedes you, Doctor." General Melsom glanced down at Park's wheelchair as he spoke. Park narrowed his eyes at him with a hint of distrust.

"Well, thank you," Park said insincerely.

"General Melsom will be running point on the situation regarding our missing asset," Secretary Grady added. "I understand you have been heading the search efforts for the last twelve months, Doctor?"

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