chapter 5

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The party and the after party

I can still feel my self blushing as Nate compliments me
I realise I'm still stood by the door so I take a seat on the couch and put on some greys anatomy
"Nate would you like a drink"
"Go on then, a whisky please"

I get up and I feel a hand grab my ass as I get up to walk to go to the kitchen
My stomach gets butterflies and I get a rush of emotions
I look at him, "The drinks can wait, we have over an hour before the party"

I sit on his lap and take off his shirt
He grabs my hips and my ass as I'm sat facing him
I grab his neck and he passionately kisses me like he's been waiting for way too long
Time passes and things get heated and I can feel him slowly raising up my dress

I stand up again and head to the kitchen
His eyes follow me as I pour us a drink
Him, a whisky, and I pour my self a double vodka cran
My favourite and such a classic

I drink my drink fairly fast and he sips his, only to shot it at the end.
He grabs my waist and pulls me right back to his lap
Our mouths collide and I can taste the hints of spiced whisky, adding to the whole situation
God I want him so bad

We make out and lots of time passes, along with a few drinks
His tongue and lips trace up and down my neck
Furiously trying to claim my neck as his property
I let out a few soft moans and he starts get comfier in his seat

I try to move away to check my phone but he grabs my waist tightly - he's annoyed
"Nate stop"
"Baby stop that hurts I need to check the time"
He looks annoyed and so unfazed

I scramble off him and try to find my bag
He fixes his hair and puts his shirt on, I pull my dress down
We rush out the house and head in his car
He seems annoyed so he drives even faster than normal

It's pitch black outside so he turns on the little light
"Fuck, NATE"
My neck and chest are absolutely littered in dark purple hickeys
I mutter "fuck my life" under my breathe
He looks proud but so fucking annoyed
"My brother! Everyone! MADDY!" "Shit shit shit shit"
I panic and scramble through my bag to find a powder or concealer OR ANYTHING

"Nate im genuinely fucked, I don't have anything to cover it"
"Get over it, your fine"
"Oh really? So if my brother sees us walk in together for one, because we are late and everyone will already be there, your telling me won't be battered."
"He won't lay a hand on you"
"Whatever Nate"

We get out the car and he slams the door and storms off away from me.
Get your self together
I walk in and see Maddy looking around to find someone
She spots me and looks shocked

"BITCHHHHH, for one you look so hot, second YOUR NECK!"
"Ahaha yeah, I burned my self trying to curl my hair"
"Girl who are you lying to, those are clearly hickeys. Whoever it was knows what he's doing"
I awkwardly laugh and we take lots of shots together
"amma go find some people and say hi, so you go find someone ava. Love you!"

My visions already becoming more and more delayed as the night goes on
I bump into the twins and they give me the joints.
We have a good conversation but I think it's only a short one

I'm yelling his name so loud. He finds me in the tall crowd
Im so sure they are all growing by the second
"smoke these with me?"
"You know it Ava"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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