chapter one

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It was a normal day for her. Ava woke up at 6.30 for her first day at school after summer break, she was finally becoming a sophomore. Her brother was dropping her off at school earlier than normal because he wanted to hang out with his mates and smoke on the bleachers before first period.

She changed into a pair of low rise cargos, a camo rushed tube top,and her favourite pair of black and white Jordans - she wears these everywhere no matter the occasion. She straightened her long brown hair and did her usual makeup routine, she didn't want to do to much because she was basically falling asleep at her vanity.
She rushed down the stairs and devoured her avocados on toast her mum made her before she left for work.

"Morning Ava, you ready to leave?"
"Yeah, give me a sec!" She placed her empty plate on the kitchen counter and picked up her bag and left right behind her brother.

"We picking up Nat today?"
"Nahhh, she said her friend was dropping her off today"
She nodded and just looked out the window, while Tyler put on some Weeknd

They finally arrived at school and got out the car, she looked around trying to see if she could see any of her friends.
"Oi Ty can i stay with you till first period, I can't see anyone. I still don't understand why we needed to get here so early" she moaned.
"Yeah i guess.." he really didnt want his baby sister to be with all his friends but its his obligation because he did make her get here so much earlier

They walked over to the boys on the bleachers, they would usually be under the bleachers but none of the teachers really care anymore as they are seniors.
Tyler greeted all of his friends while Ava just sat on her phone
"Yoooo my guysss, also Ava wants to sit with us because she cant find anyone so please dont mind her" he laughed.
Everyone said hi or simply smiled and did the cool guy head nod in her direction.

She didn't really know everyone but there were a few familiar faces - Chris, Troy and Roy
"Heyyy, i missed you guys!" Ava said to troy and Roy - they are both in her year and they were quite close last year.
"Avaaa, nice to see you"
Troy went in for a hug and whispered in her ear
"Want to buy some more??"
"Troy.. im good, dont even think about telling my brother that i asked that ONE time." She whisper shouted
Both the twins laughed at her comment and they was just talking about some of their summer activities

Tyler talked with all of his friends while smoking some cigarettes.
"Too early to be smoking a spliff at this time" mentioned one of his friends
"Right.." Tyler looked at his friend in a death stare and glanced over in her direction.
His friend silenced an "ooooohhh"

"Any ways where the fuck is Nate?"
"Yeah he's usually here by now" Chris (McKay) tuned in
"Prolly too busy fucking with Maddy even though they are 'on a break'"
"Shut up, you act as if you wouldn't take the chance if you had it." Ty said
"God, i fucking wish." One of his friends groaned

Nate walked towards the bleachers,. Nate. Fucking. Jacobs.
He has been Ava's crush for so many years, since he was a freshman and came over to their house one day, but hes always seen her as 'Tyler's little sister' so she knew she would never have a chance.

"Yooo Nate, why you so late?" Tyler asked and a few of his friends snickered
"Because I actually had things to do this morning."
"By things you mean that slut, Maddy" one of his friend said and started laughing
Nate stood up and picked up the guy by the collar saying,
"don't even say her name, you sad fuck."

He whimpered like a lost puppy
Nate dropped him and then that's when he took the hint and decide to head straight to registration or wander in the halls before first period
"Yo who's the new addition."
Nate looked over in Ava's direction, she was sat with Troy and Roy laughing over something on their phones.
She could feel his eyes on her so she looked up, he looked her up and down and slightly smirked

"Nate, dont even fucking think about it."
Tyler was the only person who could tell Nate jacobs what to do, doesnt mean he always stuck to his orders
"What?" He scoffed and lit a cigarette.

The school bell had rung so Ava headed off to first period.
She said bye to the twins and grabbed her handbag.
As she was walking away she could feel a few eyes on her.
What was all of that about..

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