Chapter 42

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As the hours tick by with no sign of Euodia or Helion, the atmosphere in the room grows increasingly tense. Lucien had departed some time ago, summoned away by a servant bearing urgent news, leaving only Amren and myself to occupy the silence that now hangs heavy in the air.

Amren sits across from me, immersed in a book, her brow furrowed in concentration as she pores over its pages. I, too, hold a book in my hands, but my thoughts are far from the words printed on its pages. Instead, they drift back to Euodia, to the enigmatic woman who had captured both my curiosity and my concern.

Rhysand had sent word several hours ago, informing us that Feyre had successfully completed her mission here at the Day Court. Despite my relief at the news, there is a gnawing sense of unease that lingers in the pit of my stomach, a nagging worry for Euodia's safety and well-being.

I find myself glancing at the door every few minutes, half-expecting to see her stride back into the room with Helion at her side. But each time, the door remains stubbornly closed, offering no glimpse of the elusive fae who has captured my thoughts so completely.

Amidst the quiet of the room, the sound of my own heartbeat seems to echo loudly in my ears, a steady rhythm that matches the ticking of the clock on the wall. Minutes stretch into hours, and still there is no sign of Euodia or Helion.

I try to focus on the book in my hands, to lose myself in its pages and distract myself from the growing sense of anxiety that threatens to consume me. But try as I might, I find it impossible to shake the feeling of unease that clings to me like a shadow, casting a pall over the room and leaving me feeling restless and unsettled.

As the sun begins its descent, painting the room in long, creeping shadows, my apprehension only grows. The image of Helion and Euodia together, alone in a room, sends a pang of jealousy coursing through me, twisting my wings with unease and stirring the dark monster that lurks in the depths of my stomach.

Amren's voice cuts through my tumultuous thoughts, her tone sharp with annoyance as she gestures impatiently for me to leave. I rise from my chair, feeling like a scolded child, uncertain of what awaits me beyond the confines of the formal sitting room.

"I'm not sure it's the best idea," I murmur, my gaze flickering uncertainly towards the door. The tension between Euodia and myself still hangs heavy in the air, a silent barrier that I am hesitant to breach.

Amren closes her book with a decisive snap, her attention finally fully focused on me. She sighs heavily, her eyes darting skyward as if seeking patience from the heavens themselves.

"Trust me, you should go," she says, her voice softened by a hint of sympathy. "Even if she chooses to ignore you, it's better that you make the effort. It shows that you care."

Her words strike a chord within me, stirring a sense of duty and responsibility that I cannot ignore. With a reluctant nod, I turn towards the door, steeling myself for the encounter that awaits beyond its threshold.

As I step into the hallway, the air seems to crackle with tension, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on my shoulders like a heavy burden. I navigate the winding corridors of the palace with slow, measured steps, each footfall echoing loudly in the silence of the empty halls.

As I approach the door to Helion's private chambers, my heart races with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. Each step feels like an eternity, the hallway stretching out before me as if to prolong the inevitable confrontation that awaits beyond the door.

My shadows dance eagerly ahead of me, their movements mirroring the urgency coursing through my veins. They seem to sense the tension in the air, eager to reunite with their master after what feels like an eternity apart.

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