Chapter 13

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I woke up at 5:30 this morning, unable to get yesterday's events out of my mind. I hadn't had a panic attack in months before yesterday, I was doing so well.

My train of thoughts shifted to James and how kind he was to me, if we were in third year he would have sat there and laughed at me. He had changed, I could see it, and I think Lily was starting to see it too.

It was now 7:30 and after ours of tossing and turning in my bed, trying to get to sleep, I decided to go to breakfast early. I got dressed and headed to the Great Hall, not bothering to put makeup on.

I arrived, to see only a handful of people at the tables. It was quiet, peaceful. The sound of birds chirping their morning song could be heard echoing around the Hall. Usually, I wouldn't be able to hear myself think over the hundreds of voices.

I sat on my seat and grabbed a piece of toast and poured myself a glass of orange juice.

I often wondered what my life would be like if eleven year old me had never received my Hogwarts letter. I'd be in a normal secondary school, learning about British History, which I'd learnt was mostly bullshit anyway, famous witches and wizards across time had manipulated history to keep the magical world a secret. Anne Boleyn, for example, was a witch, a very powerful one too but also very foolish. She saw her power as a way to do anything she wanted, like drugging Henry Vlll with a love potion, but it didn't work out very well when she was caught in a compromising position with one of the Kings advisors. Her headless ghost still haunts the Tower of London, to this day.

I pulled out "Jane Eyre" from my bag and began reading while I waited for the others to arrive.


I peered up from my book to see Lily, Marlene and the marauders, minus Sirius, strolling towards me. They were all laughing and smiling at something Peter said, which made me smile, I loved seeing my favourite people happy.

They all sat down and Marlene looked me dead in the eye as she said, "Poof!"

"What the fuck?" I laughed out of confusion.

"You disappeared this morning; poof! Thought you'd been kidnapped for Merlin's sake," she said, dramatically and we all chuckled at her.

"I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep, plus I got some extra reading time." I explained, holding up the book.

"Where's Black?" I asked, looking around the group, double checking I hadn't missed him. Nope, he definitely wasn't here, Sirius Black was the kind of person to make his presence very noticeable.

"You'll hear it before you see it," Remus smiled, cheekily.

I looked around the group, who all had knowing smiles on their faces.

Then I heard it, a high pitched screeching sound that sounded vaguely like English. I then heard Blacks' booming voice shouting back.

"Is that-" I started.

"Sirius and Bitchface? Yes, it is," James cut me off, smiling happily at the fact that whatever "thing" the two had going on, was not going very well.

Maybe she was finally getting what she deserved. Oh shit, maybe James had told him about what happened yesterday. I wished I could hear what they were saying.

As if she read my mind, Marlene said, "I think we should get a bit closer... just, you know, just in case Sirius needs any assistance."

Marlene tried to put a serious face on but I could see her lips twitching slightly, trying to keep a cheeky smile at bay as she tried to make an excuse for her plain nosiness.

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