Chapter 7

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Wednesday 17th September 1976


I had lost track of time chatting with Remus when I realised I had to get to Transfiguration. I jumped up from my seat in the Great Hall and started running along the corridor, pushing past the crowd of students. While turning a corner, I ran straight into somebody's chest and fell on the cold, stone floor.

I quickly started to apologise, "I am so sorry, I-" I looked up to see who I had crashed into and realised it was the boy from the library, Jack, I think his name was.

I paused for a second, just to look at him. He had messy, light brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes. He had a friendly, approachable face, which was strange because most Ravenclaws looked like they had a stick up their arse. He wasn't very tall though, he was around 5'8 but his other features made up for that.

He smiled at me, showing off his pearly white teeth as he said, "It's no bother, don't worry about it."

The situation finally processed in my head. I had just sprinted, full speed, into this gorgeous boy in front of me. How humiliating.

He held out a hand to help me up and I went as red as a tomato when I took it. He yanked me up as if I weighed nothing, which made me blush even more. I must look so stupid right now.

I brushed off my skirt and mumbled a quick, "Good-bye," before I could embarrass myself even more.

I tried to walk away but he called out, "Wait!"

I turned around to see him handing one of my books back to me that I must have dropped.

"Thank you," I said, taking the old, brown school book and tucking it under my arm with the rest of them.

"Sorry, I didn't catch your name." he said.

"Sophia," I replied.

"I'm Jack," He smiled at me holding out a hand for me to shake.

I shook it and smiled back at him, mirroring his expression.

"So, uh, Sophia?" he looked quite nervous and was sweating a little.

I absentmindedly played with a piece of my hair as I answered, "Yes?"

"Would you wanna hang out, some time?" he asked, scratching the back of his neck.

Is the sky blue? Of course I do.

I tried and failed to sound as casual as possible as I squeaked, "Yeah, sure."

"Eat breakfast with me tomorrow?"

No. I look awful when I'm eating. Also my friends would be watching and would make fun of me for my every move. And I'm ever so grumpy in the mornings so getting breakfast would be the worst idea possible but I couldn't stop myself from saying, "Yeah, okay, I'll see you there."

"Alright, cool." he nodded to himself, gave me another smile and then walked off.

I couldn't help myself from staring at him as he strode away. Did that really just happen?

The last time I went on a date was in 4th year when Frank Longbottom took me to Madam Puddifoots'. It was horrible, just terribly awkward. After the date Frank and I both agreed that we were just going to be friends. He was a lovely boy but our relationship was purely platonic. I'm not quite sure but I think he's dating Alice Fortescue, a strange, little Gryffindor girl in the same year as me. I had only spoken to Alice a few times over the years but she had always been very kind to me.

I suddenly realised that I had to get to class and then carried on sprinting.

I arrived, red-faced and out of breath, I walked in and everyone stared at me.

"Got lost, did you, Parker?" James Potter called out, high fiving Sirius and the whole class erupted laughing.

"Quiet Potter, I'm sure Miss Parker has a very reasonable excuse for being late," I heard the thick Scottish accent of Professor McGonagall from beside me.

I took my seat next to Lily and said, "I'm sorry, Professor, I lost track of time."

"I'm disappointed, Parker, five points from Gryffindor." She said, shaking her head at me.

Ten minutes later, when Mcgonagall wasn't looking, Lily passed me a note, not daring to speak.

*In bold=Sophia   Italics=Lily

Jeez, Soph, why were you so late?

It may or may not have had something to do with that Ravenclaw boy from the library...

WHAT!? Spill right now!

I accidentally crashed into him in the hallway and then... HE ASKED ME TO EAT BREAKFAST WITH HIM TOMORROW!


I know right, you need to help me with-

I was about to write something else when McGonagall snatched the parchment from my desk.

Oh shit! I'm so fucked!

"You had one chance, Miss Parker, and now it's going to have to be a detention Monday night."

"Please, Professor, I-"

"Would you rather I read this not out to the class?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"No, no, detention is fine!" I quickly said to avoid further embarrassment.

"That's what I thought." She said and set fire to the crumpled piece of paper in her hand using her wand.

I could hear quite snickers from Potter and Black behind me. I turned around and glared at them, to which Black replied by blowing a kiss and winking at me.

Great, detention. That's an hour of reading time wasted on cleaning whatever McGonagall made me clean.


Authors note: I don't know if I should make the chapters longer or not, lmk.

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