Monday's are Terrible

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Okay I'm just gonna say this in advance but I'm so sorry for this chapter and anything that'll come after it! I couldn't help myself the little devil on my shoulder kept whispering things in my ear! Okay bye! *runs away before the mob can start*

Jack couldn't help but smile as Mark pulled into the movies, surprised that he had even been able to find a drive in movie place. "You're a huge dork, you know that right?", he teased, laughing Mark's face reddened slightly. He finally spluttered, "Well, at least I'm your dork, right?" Jack nodded and replied, "Of course Markle Sparkle." His face only reddened more, and he grumbled, "I thought that nickname died." Jack just shook his head and giggled, then said, "I might let it die if you get me some chocolate and a kiss." Mark nodded and sighed in relief, then got out the car to get the snacks. Jack watched some previews for a while, giggling at the old timey "Let's all go to the lobby" one. Mark came back a few minutes later, hands full with popcorn, drinks, and candy.

Jack opened the driver's door for him, and took the drinks from him so that he could actually get in without making a mess. He got in, then shut the door so that they didn't lose any heat they didn't have to. Jack flipped the console up and scooted over, cuddling against Mark. "You're warm.", he mumbled. Mark smiled down at him and kissed him on the nose, then handed over the chocolate. "Yay, chocolate!", Jack cheered, opening the packaging. They dug into the snacks as the movie started, an older film they didn't catch the name of. It was a really good film though, it was about a boy who traveled the United States by jumping on trains. He had a lot of adventures, and he even fell in love with a lovely girl along the way! However, Mark found himself holding a crying Jack when the movie came to an end, as they watched the couple age and grow old together. They ended up lying next to each other in the hospital, their hear rates slowing until they eventually stopped.

"That movie was really good.", Jack sniffled, resting his head against Mark's chest. "Yeah, it was.", Mark replied softly. He looked down at his little Irish man, and couldn't help but smile at him. He really was perfect. Mark leaned down and kissed him, internally smirking when the younger teen melted into the kiss. God he loved him so much! When they parted, Jack was blushing slightly, making him even more adorable than normal. "You know, I think I'll have to kiss you more if you keep blushing like that.", Mark teased, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "You know, I don't think I'll mind if you kiss me more.", Jack teased back, smiling softly. Mark opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly the air was filled with a piercing, ringing sound. Everything disappeared before Jack's eyes, until he was just floating in darkness, all alone. He bolted upright in bed, panting heavily as he looked around the room frantically.

Had all of that just been a dream? His question was answered when his alarm went off again, making the frustrated teen grit his teeth and slam his hand down on it. He fell back into his bed, wanting to scream and punch the walls. It had just been another fucking dream! He had had these stupid dreams since he left Mark's on Saturday, and they were torturing him! Jack sat up again and got out of bed, stomping into the bathroom to get ready for school. He brushed his teeth and fixed his hair, then pulled himself over to the closet to get dressed. He threw on a red shirt and some jeans, then slipped on his converse. Jack hurried downstairs to get a bowl of cereal, his parents were already at work so he'd have to make his own breakfast.

He scarfed down some Lucky Charms, then drank the milk from the bowl and tossed it into the sink. He really was going to wash it, but a glance at the clock told him otherwise. He had five minutes to get his bag and race down to the bus stop, and he really didn't want to be late. Luckily for him, his bag was right by the door where he'd left it Saturday. He snatched it up and hurried out the door, barely remembering to lock it behind him. It probably didn't matter anyways, the McLoughlins didn't have anything worth stealing. Jack made it to the bus stop right before the bus pulled up, and he hurried to the back so he wouldn't be bothered today. It was already one of those days, and he would bite off someone's head if they even breathed in his direction.

It wasn't until the bus pulled away that Jack realized he didn't have his iPod with him, so he couldn't even listen to his music. Just fucking peachy! He glared out the window, wishing the bus would just hurry up and get to school already. The bus passed familiar houses and streets, and it quickly became a blur to the angry teen. The only thing that stuck out was a wreck at one of the towns busiest intersections, and it was forgotten about in five minutes. The bus finally arrived at the high school, and the students got out quickly. It seemed like everyone was excited, which was fucking ridiculous because it was Monday. Everybody hates Monday! Jack was on autopilot as he walked to his locker, ignoring everything that went on around him.

Even though he'd never admit it, he really regretted walking away. Jack had loved every second he'd spent with Mark, but he knew that it was a mistake. Mark couldn't have meant what he said, how could someone as amazing as him possibly be in love with someone as average as him? Jack shook his head and finally got to his locker. He opened the door and pulled out his English textbook and notebook. He nearly screamed when he shut the door to find Yami standing there, a worried look on his face. "Hey Jack, have you heard from Mawk today?", he asked. "No, I haven't heard from him.", Jack lied. He turned around and began walking to his first hour class, huffing in annoyance when Yami followed him. "What do you mean you haven't heard from him?", Yami asked frantically. Jack rolled his eyes and replied, "I meant I haven't heard from him!" He finally got to the classroom, and he hurried to his seat.

He had barely sat down when Yami pulled a chair over to him, obviously not through with him. "Jack, none of us have heard from him since Friday! He hasn't shown up yet, and he's always here by now!", Yami exclaimed. Jack ignored the guilt he felt bubble up in his chest and he snapped, "Well, maybe he's sick or something!" Yami briefly wondered why Jack was in such a pissy mood, but he chalked it up to it being Monday and he continued, "You know Mawk, he always tells us if he won't be here! Well, he'll at least tell you." Jack glared at the aggravating teen as he pointed out, "Don't you have somewhere to be?" Yami glanced at the clock and swore under his breath, then scurried away to his first hour class. Jack opened his notebook and began scrawling his thoughts down as he waited for class to begin. The teacher finally began to go over Julius Caesar, the play they were reading this year.

Normally Jack would at least pretend to pay attention, but he couldn't do that today. So when the teacher suddenly called on him, Jack thought he was in trouble. "Yes Mr. Smith?", he asked hesitantly. "Jack, the principal needs you in his office. It's important.", the teacher replied. Jack nodded and gathered his things, then left. He wasn't sure what he had done now, but he knew it wasn't good. When he got to the front desk, the secretary waved him on in to the principal's office. Jack swallowed nervously as he stepped into the quiet room, surprised to see his parents there. Shit, he'd really fucked up! His mother looked up, tears in her pale blue eyes as she embraced her son. "M-Ma? What's going on?", Jack questioned. She didn't answer him, she just sobbed quietly as she held her little boy. "Sean, something happened to Mark.", his father began, his own voice cracking.

Jack looked at him, dread filling his stomach as he continued, "Mark got into a wreck on the way to school, and they don't know if he'll make it Sean."

*yells from unknown location* IM SO SORRY

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