Talk to Me

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Monday finally rolled around, a bright and cheery day. The sky was a lovely bright blue, with white puffy clouds here and there. Even the American History class was in a good mood, and they had their test today! The juniors chatted happily as they walked into class, eager to take the test and get it over with before they forgot everything. They didn't notice the two boys who always talked to each other seemed to be ignoring each other. Ms. Marie came in and the class fell silent, waiting anxiously for the test to be passed out. She passed out the test quickly, and soon the sound of pencils scratching against paper filled the room. Everyone was so concentrated on their own paper that they didn't notice the teen whose cheeks were shining with tears.

After Mark's parents had found him asleep on the kitchen floor, he had spent the rest of the weekend locked up in his room. He hadn't eaten much, and his parents couldn't figure out what had happened to him. Mark had called Jack time and time again, sending him dozens of messages that were never answered. Finally, Jack had blocked him. After that, there hadn't been a moment where Mark wasn't crying, and he had spent who knows how long in the bathroom curled up in the corner. He couldn't remember a time when he wasn't friends with Jack, and the thought of the Irish teen never speaking to him scared him. With blurry eyes, Mark finished the test long before anyone else and turned it in. He cleared his throat slightly and asked, "Ms. Marie, may I go to the restroom?"

Even the teacher didn't seem to notice the distress he was in, and she handed him the hall pass without looking up from her computer. Mark walked outside and practically ran to the bathroom, barely holding back his sobs. He burst into the restroom, walking over to a sink and turning on the water. He splashed his face with the cold water, trying to wash away the tears. He glanced up at the mirror and winced at what he saw. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy, his hair a mess, and his eyes seemed dull. Mark shook his head and turned off the water, deciding that he'd spent enough time in the restroom. He walked back to class slowly, his hands shoved down in his pockets. Far too soon, he found himself standing outside the classroom. He took a few deep breaths then walked inside, relieved to see that everyone was still too busy on their test to look up.

He put the pass on the teacher's desk and walked over to his own, for once cursing where his desk was. Mark sat down in his seat and stared at the back of Jack's head, wondering if he had meant what he said. He grit his teeth in determination and decided that he'd get some answers from the Irish teen one way or another. After a while, students shuffled up to the front of the class to turn in their tests, and the room was filled with soft chatter. After all the tests were turned in, Ms. Marie stood up and announced, "Alright students, as you know the school's annual talent show is in two weeks. The sign up sheet has been placed outside the cafeteria, and I hope to see some of your names on the list!" Her eyes lingered on Troye, and he blushed slightly as the class erupted into giggles.

Mark looked at Jack, wondering how he could convince the younger teen that what had happened Friday night hadn't been a mistake. The bell rang, pulling him from his thoughts as everyone rushed outside, still chatting about the talent show. He got his stuff together quickly, intent on catching up with Jack. Mark raced out the door, ignoring his teacher's demand to stop running, and hurried to Jack's locker. Luckily, he caught the angry teen just as he was slamming his locker door shut. Mark grabbed his shoulder, his eyes hard when Jack whirled around to glare at him. "Jack, we need to talk.", he growled, leaning closer to him. Jack's breath hitched slightly and he looked away, mumbling, "We already talked Mark, there's nothing left to discuss."

Mark scowled down at him, then accused, "We didn't talk!" Jack winced and tried to wriggle away from Mark, but the junior was much stronger than him. He pinned Jack's arms to the locker, glaring at the sophomore. "L-let me go Mark!", Jack demanded, trying to glare back up at him. He felt his knees go weak when he made the mistake of looking into dark, fiery eyes, and Mark suddenly leaned in to kiss him. Jack felt his eyes widen, and even though his brain was screaming push him away, he closed his eyes and let Mark kiss him. It wasn't like the heated kisses they'd shared Friday night, it was soft and gentle, a real first kiss. Mark let go of his arms and pulled away, looking almost scared. "W-why'd you kiss me?", Jack asked softly. "I'm sorry Jack, I'll never do that again. I'll never bring it up, I'll pretend it didn't happen. I-I just wanted one last kiss before we-", Mark explained, his voice cracking. He took in a shaky breath and finished, "Before we acted like it never happened." He stepped away from Jack, tears welling up in his eyes as he murmured, "I hope you aren't too mad at me."

Jack just stared up at him, watching him turn around and walk away. He was frozen for a while, then his legs finally began to move. "Wait!", Jack called, running after him. Mark turned around, the slightest glint of hope in his eyes as Jack collided into him, hugging him like his life depended on it. Mark nearly fell, but he caught himself and hugged the Irish teen back, surprised to feel him shaking in his arms. "Mark, do you know how hard it is to be mad at you?", Jack sniffled, burying his face into Mark's shirt. "I-I'm so sorry for not letting you talk! I-I just t-thought that you'd r-regret what had happened, and t-that you'd want to f-forget it!", Jack admitted. Mark cupped his face in his hands, tears falling and a goofy grin on his face as he said, "Jack, I don't regret a single thing we did that night, and I meant it when I said I loved you. I still love you." Jack felt his breath catch in his throat and he admitted, "I l-love you too Mark."

"Thank god, otherwise I'd feel like an idiot!", Mark exclaimed, making Jack giggle. They walked outside together, smiling at each other as they walked over to Mark's car. "Your place or mine?", Jack teased as he got in the car. Mark hummed then replied, "How about we go see a movie?" Jack blushed and he asked, "You mean like a date?" Mark rolled his eyes and retorted, "No, like a friendly outing between two dudes that have kissed and gotten each other off. Of course I mean like a date!" Jack smiled and said, "That sounds like a lovely idea Mark." Mark started the car and drove off, a smile on his face and the determination to make this work. He wasn't going to let Jack run away again.

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