Chapter 1- Breakup

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A/n: I promise I will make Y/n less of a raging romantic in the next few chapters, but it's kinda necessary in this chapter for the plot. I'll also try to revisit this chapter in the future to make him/her seem more natural.


Your POV

"Let's break up..."

     I had been expecting these words. I had prepared myself mentally, but no amount of preparation could have prevented the wave of emotions that threatened to engulf me as I heard the words I hoped I would never have to hear.

     You could say it was inevitable. The signs had been there for a while. Last month, Haerin told me that she had been selected to debut in the new girl group NewJeans. I knew that we would face challenges if we continued to date after her debut, and I acknowledged that I wouldn't be able to see her much. That being said, I didn't think it would be this bad. Ever since she told me the news, besides our current meeting her manager had gone out of her way to set up, the two of us haven't seen each other at all. The passion that had once burned brightly between us was now nothing more than a candle in the wind, ready to be put out at any moment. I knew all of this, but it didn't make Haerin's words any less painful.

     Searching Haerin's face, I looked for any traces of uncertainty, but today she was unreadable, as if she had donned a mask to prevent me from being able to read her emotions. Briefly, I thought I saw a tinge of regret in her beautiful cat-like eyes, and I was about to ask her if this was what she really wanted. However, I blinked, and it was gone the next second, leaving me to wonder whether it was genuine or if it was just my imagination. However, judging by the iron wall she had put between our once open relationship, I knew she had given this a lot of thought and would remain committed to her decision.

     Despite being heartbroken, I was determined not to end this relationship on a sour note. We had been through a lot together, and even though it was now ending, I knew that both of us deserved a respectable conclusion to our once romantic feelings towards each other.

     "I understand," I managed to reply to her while keeping my emotions at bay. I wanted to give her a better answer. There were so many things I wanted to tell her, countless things I wanted to ask her, but I didn't have the courage to take that extra step.

     After that, no more words were exchanged between me and Haerin, as we continued to walk our different paths in life with her pursuing her dream of becoming an idol and me continuing my studies.

     I felt myself walk away from Haerin, and I felt her, the girl I had once loved so much, walk away from me. At first, she was still within arm's reach; maybe I could still go back and try to convince her to reconsider everything. But as she got in her car, I realized our closeness was an illusion; in reality, we could not have been further apart.

     This revelation made me feel empty, and I finally felt the feelings of regret, sadness, and despair wash over me. Maybe things would have been different if I had tried to talk to her. But I consoled myself; surely this had to be best for both of us.

     I could guess her reasons for the breakup. After all, it doesn't make sense for her to date someone she can only see once every few months, and being an idol is difficult enough on its own without having to worry about dating someone outside the industry. Maybe she was being considerate of me as well...maybe she felt that she couldn't be the girlfriend I needed.

     "I can't distract her on her path of becoming an idol, and she couldn't meet my needs anymore," I reasoned to myself, trying to find a silver lining in the situation.

     I spent some time taking in my surroundings with my hazy mind, looking for distractions. I had nearly forgotten that we were meeting at a park. Anger in the place of love seeped into my heart as I observed the children, families, and couples around me as I waited for my older sister Wonyoung to pick me up, my emotions a mess and my heart shattered into a million pieces.



this is my first fanfic, so im open to any feedback. its a lot harder to write than i thought itd be lol. if anyone has any story ideas, id love to try writing them. i'm still getting used to creative writing; all the writing i do in school is analytical sadly.

Please vote if you enjoyed, as it gives me an idea of whether people are enjoying the fanfic or not.

Edit: Of the 3 chapters out so far, this is probably the weakest one, which is probably bad since it sets the tone of the entire book. I'll try to revisit this in the near future, but I'd like to first continue writing so I have a better idea of where this goes. If you read it once and came back to find it being different, now you know why.

Edit 2: Going to remove the TLDRs at the top of the chapter in order to prevent spoiling. Not sure why I thought that was a good idea.

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