Chapter One

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I am going to be changing the time of when thing happened because I want to include modern day technology. So the story will start in the year 2000 and Harry and Arabelle are 9 months old being born in January on the 17th and it is September 1st.

Charles River Orphanage
At the front of the door slept a little baby in a blanket that had Arabelle Narcissa Potter sewed in. 22 year old Katherine Hart, a kind beautiful smart lady is the care taker of the orphanage along side her brother Arthur Hart, muggles. Katherine gasped in the morning when she found a cold baby who had red fluff on top of her head and red tint from on her nose and cheeks from the cold. “Oh you poor dear. Who do such a cruel thing?” Kate questioned as she picked up the sleeping baby. She rushed in and turned on the heater and warmed the baby up. She made some formula as well for when Arabelle would wake up as he brother had just finished preparing breakfast for them. Arabelle was the only child in their care for now for all the other children had been adopted. As they were eating she heard a loud whimper and watched as two green irises bloomed from the face of the cute baby. “Hello sweetheart! ” she cooed and rocked her side to side as she fed Ara the formula. Then she gave the baby a warm bath  and put her to sleep in a beige crib.

Arabelle Narcissa Potter -Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now