To Forgive Is Divine

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Thirty six hours later

Malika awoke with a start. And for a moment, she relived the last moments before she lost consciousness. His voice that attacked her head, the explosion of pain and the feel of hands around her as someone held her. She could literally hear her own voice screaming manically...

'Innalillahi' She utters out loud. This brings Aisha's attention to her and she quickly holds her hand worriedly.

'Are you awake Princess?' She asks softly.

Malika recognizes Aisha to be Aunt Amari's eldest daughter. She is not married yet but has already been engaged to a son of the Mukhtars.

'Have I been sleeping long?' Malika asks lowly. She feels weak but strangely alright.

'A little' Aisha informs positively.

The nurse comes to check her vitals and Malika was helped to the bathroom where she bathed and refreshed herself. She is almost feeling like her normal self.

She sits by the bed and the doctor who just arrived checks her again and assures everyone that she will be fine after a meal.

Malika is not used to so many people at her beck and call and feels a little uncomfortable that her room is still so occupied.

When Aunt Amari comes, she dismisses everyone and taught Malika how to ring the bell for when she needs something.

Aisha stays behind on Aunt Amari's behest.

'Should she stay and keep you company princess?' Aunt Amari asks.

Malika nods eagerly. 'Yes please!' She agrees.

For one, she needs news! If Aisha leaves, who will she turn to for the recent happenings while she was out?

It is just Malika and Aisha now. Malika asks quickly 'what about Sir Haisam? Is he still in town?' She asks hopefully.

'No. He disappeared during the party. The cameras did not catch him leaving and Sir Othman swears that he would not leave unless he told his family. They are still searching for him!' She explains.

'What happened with me?' Malika asks.

'You were screaming so loud and when we finally found you, you have fainted' She explains.

'Anything else happened while i was out?' Malika asks, happy that Aisha is being so forthcoming.

'I think you must take a deep breadth to be able to process it' She replies dryly.

Malika raises a curious brow. 'I am ready' She urged.

'So basically, you didn't just faint, it was a spiritual attack. The elders say it is quite obvious. No one was optimistic that you would survive. But they said that if you survived, it would mean that your spiritual will is greater than the attack and that would be beneficial for you and our clan. Anyways, the Hamidis are quite religious and banned such prediction saying that you were just a victim of stress. That you would wake up fine and there was such a huge commotion over what to do. The emir decided that he would allow each family to try their way. You would be treated for a spiritual attack since you must not have had a strong Islamic background and so, you would also be medically treated.

You were unconscious for three days. The first day, Othman Alkali completes his mission and the emir gave him automatic ascension to be crown prince. But Princess Lubna cannot celebrate because of your condition. And sir Othman cannot celebrate because of his brother's disappearance. Still, its a major low key event that is still making headlines today.

Anyways, the desert chiefs had come to an agreement with his highness who allowed them to make one wish in return for their patriotism. They wished that the people of Maicki would help celebrate their customs at least once a year to educate the people about their own ways of life and thereby bridge the gap between natives and their foreign counterpart. The emir did not quite agree with it. But since he promised, he declared yesterday as a holiday for people to celebrate at will the tribes that were never accepted in Maicki and had always been considered foreign.

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