Failure NM (6)

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Failure, oooo what a scary word. We all are scared of failure, aren't we? Sometimes we don't try new things because we're scared of failure. It's human nature to feel that way. Many people have Atychiphobia (fear of failure). Why do people develop this phobia? I personally think, the reason why this happens is because.. Let's say there's a person X. And person X has never failed in his childhood years and has always succeeded, but when X enters teenage, he goes through many changes, and he discovers that there are many people better than him. He starts failing. Because he had never experienced failure before, he had no idea how to handle it and breaks down. He feels like his whole world has collapsed.

I am a fellow teen as well, I am scared of trying my level best. Because what if I fail even after giving my best? It'll lead me to question my abilities. But to be honest, we all know, I cannot achieve what I want without giving my all. If you're going through the same thing, you're not alone. Teenage sucks. Failure teaches us the things that nobody else can. Success won't be a big deal if failure didn't exist. You would never know the feeling of succeeding after trying for a while if you never failed. Failure teaches us more than success. Instead of doubting ourselves, we should look back at the mistakes we made and the areas that need improvement. Sometimes we fail not because of our mistakes, but because of God's will. Maybe the thing we're trying so hard for, is not good for us and God is trying to protect us from it. If God does not will, it won't happen.

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