Perfection NM(3)

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Growing up, we hear "you're perfect". But as a grown up we hear "nothing is perfect." What really is the truth?
What if i tell you both the statements are correct? We have heard "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder" which is really true. The same way, it's the eyes of the person.

If you are optimistic the world's good. But if you are pessimistic, the world's the worst. I wouldnt say you should be optimistic or pessimistic.  You should be a mix of both. Every thing has pros and cons. If there's anything in this world that has no cons. Then it is perfect.

In the eyes of person 1 you are not perfect because you make mistakes. But in the eyes of person 2 you might be the most perfect person to ever exist. Because they choose to ignore the mistakes you make.

If you see everything from the perspective of science, it is all imperfect.  But if you see it with a perspective of a human, everything will be perfect. Because we all humans have some or the other imperfections. And we can choose to ignore other people's or things' imperfections. If you choose to ignore the imperfections, the person or thing automatically becomes perfect.

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