Chapter 1

17 1 0

November 20, 2024

Mom and dad gather around me. Dad sits in the recliner beside me, and Mom sits right in front of me. They said they needed to talk to me and tell me something important.

"Nico, we have to talk about this....." Mom cuts off, staring into space. ".... Situation about you." Dad and her both stare into my soul, looking for answers although they know there's not one coming.

"Umm-" I start, Dad cuts me off.

"Stop." He holds his hand in front of my face so I can't see anything. Mom looks out the window.

"She's here." Mom states, her face anticipating what she's going to say. Mom and Dad retreat from the interrogation, into the walkway. I look out the window, there was an old woman, walking with a briefcase in hand. The doctor lady takes a seat to my left after looking around the house.

The doctor walks up to me with one of those fake smiles we all know and learn to hate.

Mom and Dad go to their rooms, each looking like they're about to burst out laughing and then suddenly start crying. You know, like psychos. The doctor taps on my shoulder and says my name, trying to get my attention. I look at her and smile,  Yet another fake smile. She smiles back and gets her clipboard from her bag that looks like it was made in the 1930's and makes a couple of notes.

"So, Nico, I've heard a lot about you in these past few weeks." she smirks, she's kinda scary.

"You have?" I ask

"Oh why yes I have! Do you think your parents wouldn't tell me anything about you before I diagnose you silly?". Fucking creep.

I move away from her and lock myself in the bathroom and hop in the shower. I hear footsteps inside the shower pace back and forth. I open the curtain with caution and try to peek going unnoticed. Nothing, there's really nothing there? I start to feel dizzy. My eyes slowly drift to the dark. Thud.

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