The Story Begins

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As I made my way toward the school gate, the weight of my math books tugged at my shoulder muscles, a familiar ache I'd grown accustomed to. A gentle breeze brushed against my skin, momentarily distracting me from the monotony of my routine. Suddenly, the serene atmosphere was shattered by the roar of a classic Royal Enfield speeding into the school grounds. Familiar with the habits of my colleagues, I paid it little mind, assuming it was just the PT sir on his new bullet. Clutching my files tightly to my chest, I continued my steady pace, feeling the slight slipperiness of my glasses against my fingertips. They were a cherished gift from my father, as old and cherished as he was.

As I approached the compound, my eyes caught sight of the gleaming Royal Enfield parked among the buildings, igniting a fleeting dream of riding through the night on such a magnificent machine, feeling as weightless as a lost hydrogen balloon. Suddenly, a sharp pain pierced my eyes, jolting me out of my reverie. Panicked, I fumbled for my glasses, my vision swimming in a blur of confusion.

"Oops, sorry ma'am, are you okay?" A strong, feminine voice broke through the haze of my discomfort. Struggling to gather my thoughts, I felt a reassuring grip on my arm as someone gently helped me to my feet, their actions blurred in my impaired vision. With a sense of vulnerability, I allowed them to place my glasses back on my face, blinking away the haze to behold a tall figure before me.

Standing at least 6 feet tall, she exuded a captivating presence, her sleek black hair framing dark brown eyes that seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. Her lips, parted in concern, revealed a hint of a smile, complementing her strong jawline. Unable to find my voice, I simply gazed into her eyes, feeling an unfamiliar fluttering in my stomach.

Breaking the silence, she asked for the third time if I was okay, her voice humbling me with its sincerity. Amidst the whirlwind of emotions, all I could manage was a faint "mhmmm," my mind buzzing with unspoken thoughts and newfound sensations.

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