Chapter 10

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You watched him appear on TV, no more than another hot model standing there.

Steve gave the speech on his misguided attempt at an attack. He said Loki was really sorry and that he had changed in the past year. He was better, willing to change, to help.

Clint was trying so hard not to look pissed as Loki was announced to officially be a part of the Avengers.

Loki, however, was wearing one of his most beautiful smiles. He was sitting there looking like the physical embodiment of patience, happiness, and contentment.
So, at odds with the man who had left you.

If he was that good at acting, perhaps he was just pretending all the time he was with you, too.

It's not like you could hear his thoughts.

A journalist asked him how they could believe him after all he had done.

You leaned in, tightly holding the armrest of the red couch you were sitting on.

Steve almost started to answer when his dreamy voice cut in.

"I can take that. Thank you, Captain." He walked to stand next to Steve
"May I have your name, my lady?" He asked.

"Maria." She replied.

"Lady Maria. I don't, as of yet, know what beliefs humans have on trust. But on Asgard, it is earned, not given automatically. I never asked any of you to trust me."

What the hell was he doing?
The Avengers would probably take him off the stage before he said something even more stupid.
What was he even thinking?

"But, I do ask you to give me a chance to earn that trust, lady Maria. If you think it's fair to give a chance to a man who wants to and is willing to change."

You were thinking like everyone thought about him. Like he was a monster who ruined everything near him. There were many people who thought that of you too.

If you just judged him based on things you didn't know, weren't you like those people?

The rest of the press meet went smoothly. With Loki handling even offensive questions like a pro. He was, of course, being a prince would come with talking to people.

The way he said Maria made it sound way too good. The name stuck with you long after the press meet was over.

Maria. What was the point of being too picky? It was just a cover.

You choose that as the name to be used on your school records. Yes. It was good enough.

Almost everything you had to worry about was done and over with.

Which meant it was reading time. You dashed to the lift. Waiting impatiently for the lift to arrive.

An enemies to lovers book was to die for. Especially when they kinda cared about each other. Pair it with their secret slow burn relationship, and you had utter perfection.

This day just kept getting better and better.

Content with your thoughts you jumped on to the lift the minute the doors opened enough to allow your thin frame in. Pushing the buttons like a maniac.

Y/n? Loki said.

In your hurry and excitement to finally be able to read, you kinda hoped that if you ignored him, he would stop.

Until he started asking if he should tell the Avengers that you were not fine.

Wait, people can be busy, you know. You say quoting him.

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