Chapter 4

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The next few days were the hardest for Ophelia.

She wished she could erase the love she felt, to free herself from the chains of his indifference, but the truth remained—a love unreciprocated, a heart left broken.

She wished for a world where love wasn't measured by reciprocation, where the depth of her feelings could exist without the need for validation.

She wished she could rewrite the stars, to change the course of fate and make him see her for who she truly was—the one who loved him more deeply than words could ever express.

Ophelia saw him during and between classes. As she watched him from afar, she wondered if he could feel the weight of her gaze, heavy with all her love.

Throughout the entirety of the day, he remained faithfully by Lily's side, his presence an unwavering constant in her world, as if tethered to her by an invisible thread of devotion.

Each passing moment was marked by his unwavering commitment, his unwavering gaze, his unwavering touch—a testament to the depth of his affection and the extent of his dedication to her.

Not once did he stray from her side, his every action and every word infused with an unspoken promise to protect her—cherish her.

As Ophelia watched Theodore laugh with Lily, she felt the sting of jealousy and the bitter taste of longing, knowing she could never be the one to bring him joy.

Every smile he gave Lily felt like a dagger to Ophelia's heart, a cruel reminder of the love she craved but could never call her own.

With each glance he spared Ophelia, she felt the sting of his indifference, a reminder that her love was little more than an inconvenience to his happiness.

In the hollow of his gaze, she saw the reflection of her own unrequited love, a love that would forever be eclipsed by the brightness of another's.

In the echo of his voice, she heard the truth she dared not speak aloud—that her love was but a fleeting moment in the tapestry of his life, easily overlooked and forgotten.

She realised that her love was but a small ripple in the vast ocean of his life, easily swallowed by the currents of his indifference, leaving her adrift in a sea of unrequited longing.

But after all, he was Theodore Nott.

The Theodore Nott.

She knew she was meant to love him from afar, to watch from the sidelines as he found happiness in someone else's arms, but the thought of him with another tore at her soul.

She knew she would never be the one he chose, but she couldn't help but hold onto the hope that one day he might see her, truly see her, and understand the depth of her love.

The backbone of her day, the glue that held her together amidst the chaos, was undeniably Anya.

From dawn till dusk, Anya's unwavering presence provided a steady anchor in the turbulent sea of her emotions.

As they navigated the ups and downs of life side by side, it became abundantly clear that Anya was more than just a friend; she was a lifeline, a confidante, and the rock upon which she leaned in times of need.

No matter the time of day or the nature of the problem, Anya was there without hesitation, offering words of encouragement and support when they were needed most.

But perhaps most importantly, Anya was the kind of friend who believed in her even when she struggled to believe in herself.

With unwavering faith and unwavering loyalty, Anya stood by her at all times. Even when a group of nerds were talking bad about Ophelia when she was right beside them purposefully, so that she could hear what they were saying.

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