Kidnapped Daikon, New student (Chap 6)

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'When Hanako-kun said "You can even make friends with murderers, Yashiro" that time, Hanako-kun seemed...


No. That wasn't anger. That was..

Something else entirely.

But.. if he saw me like this now.. would he be angry with me for showing myself in such a vulnerable state in the first place?

Would he be worried? Is he even looking for me?

Does he even care?' Yashiro pondered in her mind, as she struggled to move. She was in what looked to be the school broadcasting room, tied up to a chair. The only thing aside from the usual furniture in the room with her..

Was a girl with short green hair and calm green eyes. Staring right at her, silent. Beside the girl, was a guy with orange hair, standing beside a ghostly looking boy, who looked oddly like if Hanako had an outfit change and changed the seal on his cheek.

"..Hana-" Nene was about to ask the ghost boy if he was, infact, Hanako or just someone who looked like him. But she was cut off by the same boy speaking to her. "Who are you to Amane?" The boy randomly asked.


"Amane" the boy repeated, as if she was meant to know who that was.

"He means Hanako-san, the 7th wonder." The green haired girl clarified. 'Well, that atleast clears it up. So he is just someone who looks like Hanako-kun' yashiro thought.

"Why'd he called Hanako-kun 'Amane'?"

"Hey! I asked a question first!" The ghost boy protested, sounding quite childishly.

"Uh.. well, I'm Hanako-kun's friend and assistant! Yashiro Nene!"


"Yeah! It was my wish, and Hanako-kun granted it"

"I knew I made the right choice bringing you here!" The boy enthusiastically spoke.


"Anyways, you wanted to know why I call him Amane, right?"


"Well, obviously, it's his name. For someone who claims to be his friend I'd expect you to atleast know his name.. tsk tsk take.." the boy scolded, as if Hanako just freely told that to everyone and she was the only one who forgot

"What do you mean?"

"Why would I tell you? Your a horrible friend for Amane! He'd be better off with one that actually knew him better!"

Nene froze upon hearing those words from the boy. Thoughts began to flood her mind

'He's right.

You're a horrible friend!

Hanako-kun would be better off with someone else!

Hanako-kun deserves better

He obviously didn't trust you enough to tell you his real name anyways

He was never really your friend, he only said he was to great your wish

He doesn't think highly of you at all

You're just a desperate, hopeless, lonely girl that's do anything for recognition

Attention seeker

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