The journey to Far away Island

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Zane is still redundant  to go upon his grandfather's  words . He tells him that he'll be sailing with  his crew first thing the next morning.

Later in the evening, Zane makes out with one of the girls in town and throws some coins in a small sack on her. I don't  want t to come back here and meet you,you filthy wench.

The next morning, Zane and his crew are  ready to sail off..the crew made sure to pack a lot of foods, which will be enough to take care  of them for three months...yes three months,that's based on the old books Zane came across.
When they all got on board,Zane commanded "all hands on deck. "....the crew replied,"Aye ,aye captain. "
Let's steer!! Zane said in his deep voice.

The helmsman took over and off they go.

A week later, after they had steered off, they  decided  to stop at Grinada ,a town with a lot of productive  work .A town very far from Doomsday .
Who didn't  know about Zane in Grinada? That's where he usually  hung out .

He went out with all the boys on deck ,they had lots of fun till it was dark.
All the boys had gone on board after the  fun Zane had told them earlier  at the bar that they would  be spending the night at Grinada.

As Zane was about to get on board, he saw  young women covered in dirty,her hair very messy and smelling very stinky.
Help me, sir, the dirty young lady said, sounding like a child.
And why should I help a stinky person like you ?Who knows, you might be a stalker sent  from an enemy, Zane said, drunk... But you know what ,I'm going to help you because  my mom told me to help people in need.but if I find out that you're a stalker ,I'm  going to kill you and dump you over board...Zane said trying to find find balance on the stairs  of the ship.
Get overboard.
The lady sat down with her hand bent as if she had not heard what Zane had just said.
Get overboard you stinking  thing!!!..Zane shouted,which made the lady scared and then climbed over board.
Wherever  you'll sleep on this ship is none of my business, I'll  take you to a place tomorrow. You can't be on this ship.

The next day, Zane hears a knock on the door in the Captains quarters .

Ahoy Captain...the tall and skinny man said.
Ahoy! What's the problem, Jim?
There's  a lady on board.
A lady??
Yes, Captain.Jim said.
They both rushed out of the captains  quarters. Upon reaching  out, Zane realised that the ship had already  taken off from Grinada.Upon, seeing the lady Zane recalled last night's incident.
She can't go with us on this journey.
I know exactly  where to send her.
How could I let a woman get on board.

Aye, captain! Take a turn,let's head for Kansas.
Kansas?? Captain, that's an hour sail back..Do as I say Cadman... we can't have a woman on board.
Aye captain.

An hour later, they were at Kansas....

The old lady heard  a knock on her door...

Oh, old boy...long  time no see,and who's  she...oh my manners get in son...the old lady in her 70's said...she looked so strong that one wouldn't  look at her and determine  her to be at that age.

Zane and the old lady take a seat around an old wooden table. In the old lady's  space were wooden artefacts  hanging  on the walls,a small fireplace ,opposite them was an old door leading to a bedroom. Even though the girl was being offered  to sit down by the old lady.. she kept standing there with her face, looking down. She swingedher body while standing.
Who is she the old lady demanded.
I found her close to my ship while at Grinada.
All she said was help me sir,since then, she hasn't  said a word.
I don't  even know what she looks like with her dirty and messed hair  covering her face ... Wait, let me check,Zane said.
He walks closer to her and tries to take a look at the girl's  face, but she forcefully  pushes Zane's  hand back.

Leave her son...the old lady said.

So what do you want this time, son ,the old lady asked.
I can't  sail on a ship with a woman ,that's  why I brought you here so that you can take care of her.
Well, that's not a problem ,you are like a son to me,so don't  worry, I'll take care of her till she gets better.
But son, where are you headed to.
Don't  worry, I'm only going out for a while for some booty's.
Alright, son, Fay will help me take  care of her.
I wanted to see her but time  is not on my side and you know  the distance  from here to hawana  takes  some time and I don't want to be late,I need to find the second hidden map to a place.
So long, O'l sal. Zane concluded.
So long, son,O'l sal replied.

O'sal was the kind woman who helped Zane some years  back when his father threw him overboard. Young Zane didn't  know where to go when his dad dumped  him there.He wandered in the streets of Kansas for three days without food.
Luckily, he met O'l sal, and she took him home, fed him, and asked him some questions as to why he was on the streets. He told her what his dad had done.
The old lady promised to help him get home the next day.
Ever since then, young Zane wrote letters to o'sal
When Zane got older ,he visited o'l sal once in a while. O'l sal had no kids of her own.
She was kind to all.
Fay had stayed all this while with O'sal ever since her parents died,when she was five.

O'l sal tried to talk to the girl, but she wasn't  responding .Just as she tapped the girl shoulder, she fell flat on the ground,unconscious.

O'l sal ,the girl has been taking  substances that will drive her insane.
What ?? O'l sal  asked ,surprised.
Yes,but there's  nothing to worry  about.
I have  a cure to it, but that's going to cost  20 gold coins. The doctor said.
Don't  worry about that,just give me the medicine and have your money.
The doctor handed a piece of medicine wrapped in a cloth to her.
Boil it, and then add some cinnamon to it. She's going  to be unconscious for some days, but make this medicine get into her body.

Later in the evening, when Fay comes home, she asks O'l sal  about the lady,O'l sal, and explains everything to her.
Hugh!Zane was here, and he couldn't  even wait for me??
He said he had some important  stuff to attend to but will be back as soon as he's  done.
O'l sal tells Fay to help her with cleaning up  the girl's  body.
A few minutes passed, and they were done with cleaning  the girls  body and tying her long hair into one long pony tail.
The girl was very pretty. She had some faint scars on her skin.
O'l sal  noticed a pendant on her neck ,she also noticed a familiar symbol on the pendant. Who could this girl be she questioned herself in her thoughts.

Days after, the girl regained consciousness  and fit. O'l  sal questioned  her about her identity.  With Fay sitting  near the old wooden table,she also questioned  back.
What is your name, young lady,Fay asked.

The girl sat in the far corner  of the room where they were and responded.
My name is  Petra,daughter of  King Athens and Queen Lumina..
Fay spills her coffee in laughter.
What kind of dumb joke is that.
You wouldn't believe me.
But it's a long story,I don't want to talk about.
O'l sal  was surprised but thought  the girl must just be hallucinating because of the bad medications she was on earlier.
About the pendant,O'l  sal just assumed she might have been  a maid  in that Palace .

Petra was sad because they didn't  believe her,she took.out her pe dat to show them the little photo that  was inside it but it was empty,the photo was gone??.

How can she prove herself now??
O'l sal told her to relax and that very soon,she might  be able to recall her memory  so she shouldn't  stress  herself.

The next day, O'sal instructed Fay to take Petra out to see town.
Fay was in disagreement  at first but later got convinced.
After some long hours of strolling in the town, Fay told Petra that they should be heading home.

On their way home, Petra felt they were being followed and told Fay about it,but she told Petra that she was just overthinking and  that Petra should hurry her steps or she'll  leave her behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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