03: Bang PD lied

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It was 3am on a Sunday and Yang had just woken up. She saw that Hobi was still asleep. She got up and out of bed and went to start her day. She hopped into the shower and got cleaned. After she got changed into a while tank top and black leggings with grey sneakers and she did her hair in a night pontail.


She went outside and began her job around. While she was jogging she came across a gym. She decided to stop by and work out there. It was now 7am she decided to head back to the dorm. When she got back she did her skincare routine. She then changed into a different outfit.


She then began to make herself breakfast. Yang went to grab the eggs but stopped herself. 'Eat healthy not baccon and eggs.' Yang thought. She grabbed a cucumber and began to eat it. When she was done it was 7:30am since she had 3 cucumbers and she took small bites at a time. She had 30 minutes left before the members had to wake up. She went to her room and made her bed and cleaned her side of the room. Then she brushed her teeth and re did her hair into a bun.

No one had seen her with her hair down except her hair stylist. She went to the living room and began to read a book. The member woke up and said there good mornings. During them eating breakfast Namjoon got a call but since his phone was in the living room he couldn't answer it so Yang did instead. She saw Bang PD was calling him and answered the phone.

/On Call\

Yang: Hello.

PD: Hello Yang where is Namjoon.

Yang: He's sleeping still.

PD: Okay well I'll tell you instead.

Yang: Tell me what.

PD: I know today is supposed to be your day off but things changed just for today. You and the others will be doing another interview from 10 to 11, and you'll be doing a vlive tonight, and you all will be going to a photographer to take your pictures at 12, and you'll be going on a plane and practice for a concert that will be happening on Thursday.

Yang: wow we are busy today.

PD: Yes and we want everything to be perfect so get those lazy members up and going.

Yang: Yes sir.

PD hung up the phone and Yang woke up the members and told them what was happening. They all went to get ready and then they all left for the interview.

|Time skip|

After they did all their work in Korea they hopped on the plane and Yang sat beside Jin and held onto him out of fear because of her fear of heights. When they safely landed they went to practice their dance moves. When they hit break Jimin and her continued to practice thinking they aren't good enough.

Namjoon, Tae, Jungkook, Hobo, Jin, and Yoongi came back from break seeing both of them still practicing. Jimin was in pain but he didn't show it and Yang was in more pain due to the fact she was exercising early in the morning so it hurt her more than Jimin. They were both sweating a lot.

NJ: Woah you both need to stop and rest.

Yang: Can't got to be perfect for ARMY.

JM: I'm with Yang on this one.

SJ: Come on we are going back to the hotel so we can Vlive.

Yang: One more minute.

|Twenty minutes later|

Yang and Jimin were still practicing while the other were waiting for them in the front. Yoongi Decided to go and look for the 2. When he found them he saw that they were still practicing. They were all sweaty and tired. They were both in a lot of pain. Jimin was pale skinned while Yang was skinny and to the members that was bad. Yoongi swung the door open and walked to them.

YG: Okay that's enough you don't need to prove anyone that your good at dancing when your already the best at dancing.

JM: We are fine Yoongi.

YG: No your not Yang is way to skinny and your pale as a ghost this needs to stop.

Yang: But Oppa ARMYs all over the world are expecting us to do our best on Thursday.

Yoongi sighed and folded his arms.

YG: They aren't expecting us to do our best they only care if we are okay and taking care of ourselves and our health. You don't need to prove them anything as long as your healthy and alive they are happy and if they expect more from you that's their lost.

Yang and Jimin looked at each other and let out a sigh before looking at the floor.

Yang: Sorry Yoongi Oppa.

YG: It's not just me you should apologize to. The others are worried bout you both.

Jimin and Yang nod and follow Yoongi to where the others are. Yang saw how worried they all were. Namjoon was pacing back and forth, Jin was sitting down while his leg was bouncing, Tae was breathing heavily while JK was rubbing his back while him and Hobi cried.

SJ: Why aren't they back yet?

NJ: I don't know why Jin but I'm getting worried.

Tae: I want my Yangie

Years began to pour out of Taes eyes.

JK: M-Me-e t-to-o.

Hobi: I just want them to b-b-be o-o-o-okay.

Namjoons pace quickened and Tears began to pour down Jin's face. Namjoon started crying as well. Yang walked over to Namjoon and hugged him from behind which stopped him. Tears started coming down her face.

Yang: I-Im S-So-Sorry N-Namie.

Namjoon and the others looked at her and hugged her. They were scared that they would have lost her since she was pushing herself. Jimin and Yoongi joined in on the hug.

Tae: N-Ne-ev-ver d-do-o th-at a-ga-in.

Yang: I'm sorry TaeTae.

They all hugged like there was no Tomorrow. When they pulled away Namjoon called Bang PD. Tae and JK hugged Yang again places a kiss on her forehead. When Namjoon came back he forward everyone to the limbo.

Yang: Are we heading back to the Hotel?

Namjoon had a mad look on his face. He was scary when he was mad.

NJ: No we are heading back to Korea.

He was mad. Yang looked at the others who shrugged. They didn't know why Namjoon was mad either. The hole ride was silent. Usually when it was silent Yang would start a conversation but she was to scared to talk. On the plane ride Namjoon sat beside Tae, Jimin sat beside Yang, Jin sat beside Hobi, and JK sat beside Yoongi.

When they were in Korea they went back to the dorm and Namjoon went straight to his bedroom. All that was heard was the sound of his bedroom door slam shut. Tears began to come out of Yang's eyes. She walked over to Namjoons room and knock on the door.

NJ: Come in.

Yang opens the door with tears and walks over to Namjoons bed and sits down beside him. Namjoon looked at her and saw that she was crying.

Yang: Are you mad at me Namie?

NJ: No why would you think that?

Yang: Cause you seem mad.

NJ: I'm mad because Bang PD lied about the concert on Thursday just to get us to practice more.

Yang: Y-Your scary when your mad.

Namjoon Hugs Yang and when he pulls away he wipes her tears away.

NJ: I'm sorry that I scared you.

Yang: It's okay Namjoonie.

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