01: To America

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(A/n: Story starts in 2015)

{Yangs pov}

|At the dorm|

Me an the others where getting ready to leave Korean for an English interview. I shared a room with Hobi and he is a joy to be around. Me and Hobi were packing when we heard a crash. We both ran out of the room to see Jin scolding Namjoon. "I'M SORRY." Namjoon yelled. I flinched at Namjoon yelling Hobi held me close. The other members can out of there rooms. "Oh no Namjo1on broke something again." Yoongi said.

I got out of Hobi grip and walked to Jin. I hugged him from behind. "No more yelling." I said. Jin sighed and turned around and hugged me back. "I'm sorry angel." Jin said. "Its okie." I said in a baby voice. He smiled and turned to Namjoon. "Apologize." Jin said. "I'm sorry." Namjoon said. "I forgive you." I said in my baby voice.

|Time skip|

We all went back to packing. And after we finished we all went to lay on the couch. There was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Jungkook said. Jungkook opened the door. Him and Bang PD came into the living room. "Hello Bangtan." He says. We all say hello to him. "So as you know today we are going to America to have a interview but I wanted you all to have some fun before you go to the airport." Bang PD said. "And by fun you mean cleaning don't you." I groaned.

"Yes I do. Now grab something and get cleaning." Bang PD said. I grab a mop and a sponge and do the dishes and mop the floor. After we were all done we grabbed our things and went to the airport. We got in the car I sat in between Yoongi and Jimin. I saw that Taehyung kept looking over to Namjoon and I caught Namjoon glancing at Taehyung. Wow I guess #Vmon is real.

|At the airport|

When we finally arrived at the airport we walked to the plane. Fans came crowding around us wanting pictures. I grabbed the closest arm near me which happened to be Jungkooks. He pulled me closer and taped Jimin and Taehyungs shoulders. They looked at him and knew what to do Tae taped Hobis shoulder and whispered into his ear. They began surrounding me to protect me from the cameras. When we got onto the plane we went to our seats. Which we could sit where ever we wanted.

I sat beside Yoongi and rested my head on his shoulder. "You okay?" Yoongi asked. I closed my eyes. "A little." I said. "You know we won't let anything happen to you right." He said. I nodded and he handed me a piece of gum. "So your ears don't pop. I open my eyes and take the gum. "Thank you." I said. I put the gum in my mouth and the plane took off. Yoongi closed the window as we were heading up into the sky. My breathing became heavy as we were going higher and higher in the sky.

When we were fully in the sky I looked back to Namjoon and Tae. TaeTae saw me and smiled with a wave. I gave him a small smile and put my hand threw the seats. "Hand." I said. Tae gave me his hand and held onto mine. "Is Yoongi asleep?" Namjoon asked. I looked at Yoongi then to Namjoon and nodded. Namjoon let out a sigh. "That does sound good right now." He said. "Then let's swap you sleep here and I sit beside TaeTae." I suggested. He got up and so did I and we swapped seats. Behind Tae was Jungkook and Jimin.

"Hi Oppas." I said in a baby voice looking back to Jungkook and Jimin. They both looked at me and waved. "Agyeo." I say to Jimin. Jimin did his Agyeo which always made me smile when ever I was scared or sad. I clapped. Soon after we were in America. "That was fast." Jimin said. "Time flies when you do your agyeo." I said. I put on my seat belt and held onto Taehyungs hand. When we landed I woke up Yoongi and Namjoon Oppa.

We leave the plane and go to where the hotel is. We got ready for bed then we went to sleep.



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