- Chapter Thirty -

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"Welcome everyone," Coulson began as everyone settled. "As you all know we have gathered you here to take on Medvedev and his men."

"We have received intel that Medvedev intends to attack one of our SHIELD bases," Fury took over, sweeping into the room. "We're expecting notification of their departure shortly." He glared around the room, "All of you are here because you have the skills we need to take down the threat. Intel indicates Medvedev will have at least one enhanced individual with them." He paused, pulling up a picture. "This is Yelena Belova," He glared around the room again. "She may look harmless but I can assure you she is not. Orlova, what can you tell us?"

"A few of you here have trained with, or fought alongside the Black Widow," Orlova began. "According to the intel Romanova provided when she came into SHIELD, She and Belova were trained alongside each other for years. Belova's fast, strong and intelligent, several years older than Romanova and has been training under Medvedev for longer. Romanova was led to believe Belova was dead after their final fight for the Black Widow title."

"Barton, do you have anything to add?" Fury asked next.

"Belova's ruthless, one mistake, you'll be dead," Clint looked up from where he had been staring at the ground. "The Red Room only sends their best into the field. If they are sending Belova, then they believe she'll be as good or better than Romanoff was."

"I want Belova taken out from a distance, Barton. If you get a shot, you will take it," Fury ordered.

"Sir," Orlova stepped forward, ready to play devil's advocate. "Should we not consider the possibility of turning her like Barton managed with Romanova?"

"She couldn't turn even if she wanted to," Clint stepped forward before Fury could speak. "After Romanoff joined us, Medvedev began using an implant to ensure loyalty. From what intel we could find, it's a remote detonated poison capsule. It causes a very painful death."

"Can it not be removed?" The Captain asked from across the room.

"No, Clint sighed. "Medvedev made sure to place it somewhere that even if you could remove it in time it would cause permanent damage. Once activated the victim has to wait hours to die with no hope of any sort of antidote."

"So what can you do?" Cap asked, a frown marring his face.

"Put them out of their misery," Clint answered softly. "It's the kindest thing to do. Nat- Romanoff and I found out the hard way the first time we encountered it."

"Romanova would have recognised the poison immediately, it's one of Medvedev's signatures," Orlova spoke quietly.

"She did," Clint agreed. "But we didn't know about the implant until after Medvedev had activated it. We would be doing everyone a favour if we can put them out of their misery before Medvedev activates the poison."

"We take Belova down the first chance we get," Fury ordered. "Same with anyone else fighting with Medvedev. I don't want anyone engaging in close quarters with Belova or Medvedev if it can be avoided."

"They're taking off," Clint announced, checking the alert that had sounded on his phone. "Radar indicates three aircraft so far. I'll keep you updated on developments, Sir."

"Barton, Orlova, I want you two working together," Fury snapped. "We need to know their target. Everyone else, gear up and be ready to leave as soon as we get their location."

"Let's get this done, Agent Barton," Orlova sighed.

"After you, Orlova," Clint agreed, rolling his eyes as she exited the room ahead of him. 

"Barton, what have you got for me?" Fury asked entering the briefing room he and Orlova had taken over.

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