- Chapter Four -

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Clint knocked on Fury's office door, Natasha standing a step behind.

"Come in," Fury answered the door himself.

Clint allowed Natasha to step into the office first. They took the chairs in front of the desk Fury had resumed his seat behind.

"I trust you have been in touch with Rogers?" He asked.

"We have," Clint nodded. "Cap is in West Chicago. He's been evading hostiles in SHIELD uniforms for the last week or two."

"We'll need to find a place where we can land this plane," Fury mused.

"He's expecting a call in 26 minutes." She paused, "There's a flight school at DuPage Airport," Natasha offered. "They seem to have their own runway on the northern edge of the airport grounds." She paused, "It may work if the airport is closed."

"Sounds promising," Fury agreed, dialling on his phone. "Coulson, my office, now."

"Sir," Clint asked. "What's our contingency plan?"

Fury dropped his phone back onto his desk. "Barton, we'll drop you off.You'll get Rogers to a new extraction point. Romanoff will coordinate if we need to go with that option."

"Sir," the two agents agreed.

"Let Coulson in," Fury instructed as a knock came on the door.

Clint stepped to the door, "Barton," Coulson greeted him before slipping into the room. "Romanoff, Sir."

"Coulson," Fury greeted. "What do you know of DuPage airport, West Chicago?"

"Not much," Coulson admitted.

"Find out all you can and discuss with May if she can put this plane on the flight school runway there," Fury ordered. "At the very least we need to get Barton on the ground there."

Coulson was dialling even as Fury finished talking, "May, how long until we can be at the DuPage airport West Chicago?" he paused for her reply. "Arrival at 0340 EST." He paused again, "What about landing at the flight school runway to the north?" He listened a bit longer before hanging up. "May says we should be able to land there," He nodded. "We've got about 5 hours of flight time."

"This needs to be fast and clean," Fury ordered. "Get organised. Barton you'll need to be prepared to enter into a hostile situation."

"I'll call the Captain and update him, then let him know the details closer to the time," Clint answered.

"I'll get communications and the secondary extraction plan ready," Natasha agreed.

"Coulson, I want you, Romanoff and Ward on the ramp as we come down in case of unfriendly fire." Fury ordered, before dismissing them. "Let's get this done."

Coulson headed out of the room first, followed by Natasha and Clint. "Oh, and one of you two call Stark," Fury snapped. "He keeps bugging me about 'his' Legolas and Little Red, and Spangles." 

"Captain," Clint greeted him on speaker phone.

"Barton," the Captain returned.

"Do us a favour, Cap and get to DuPage Airport at 0340," Clint told him. "We have an extraction plan in place. Take time between now and then to get some rest. When you leave your current location, don't use the main exit. Keep your face in shadow, and walk confidently." He paused, "Don't stick to the shadows as that's more obvious."

"Ok," Rogers agreed. "There was a rooftop access, I can use it to get to the end of the block."

"Use that," Clint replied. "Stay low, watch for anyone who might be watching."

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