ridiculous mortal dilemma

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Humans are such hideous creatures. Made to be in God's image, they have received a choice to live. not just survive but have the chance to grow and explore. They have the capacity to change and feel, to be themselves. They have this blessing and yet, they choose to hurt one another. To kill, to harm, to destroy. Such awful things just because they wanted a thing as odd as power over the others. 

Humans are useless creatures, my family used their efforts for years upon years on and on, and for what? What a waste. 

But yet… 

As awful as they are, there is a beauty to them, oddness and curiosity drives them, selfish desires fuel them.  

Odd creatures indeed.

I finally go back to my realm and get to finish my shower peacefully. I take my dragon fire-essent washing conditioner and rub it on my dark red skin, letting the lava burn to dust any human germs I may have received from my little trip to the mortal world. Taking a deep slightly dramatic sigh, I turn off the lava stream and get out of the shower. I grabbed my towel with my tail as I walked to my chamber. 

I twisted the door knob open with my claw, stepping my hooves one by one into the room. Putting on my soft black rob I sat down on my bed and stared at the wall as I thought at the human girl. The nerve to summon the prince of Rigon, the son of the morning star! The rudest Immortal I ever had experienced… Well that's not a very high bar. It's not like I go to the mortal world a lot, or at all. All I know about our sister realm is from the academy my father forced me into, not that I listened in class much. Why would I? It's not like it would matter. I took another deep, even more dramatic, sigh. I need to distract myself, wasting my time with thoughts about mortals like a commoner. Disgusting

Sitting up, I walked towards my library, already itching to walk to my favorite section. space in Rigon. One of the things both the mortal world and my Realm has in common is space, it's one of the only things I like about both of them. I walked through the door and into the empty long hallway, taking my sweet time walking through it as I looked at the windows and onto my garden, I could feel my tail wagging fondly just slightly as I looked up at the starry night.

There's really nothing as beautiful as the stars, made out of god's tears, they are a heavenly creation made to exist for no one but themselves, their unmasked beauty can make a full demon cry. Truly an amazing creation.

I swung open the large library door, made to fit even the largest soldiers through it. Like most places in this Palace, the library was empty except a few servants meant to keep the order of the books. The library was large, very large. Containing almost all books from all realms, including the heavens themselves, takes an enormous amount of space. The big chandeliers with dripping candles that hung from the painted high ceiling caught my attention. A few of the candles were not light, how annoying. How am I supposed to read like that? I roll my eyes as I lift up my hand to summon a small blue flame in the palm of my claw. 

Walking to the ‘space in Rigon’ section, I look over the bookshelf, reading the names: ‘Stars and their memories’, ‘the holy tears’, ‘the sun's and moon’s love’, and at least, the book I was looking for,, ‘The night sky’s fall’. Curling up on one of the chairs, I opened the book. 

My eyes fluttered open slowly, huh, I guess I've fallen asleep. I rub my eyes and sit up, looking up at the clock on the wall, 9:28 AM.
I guess I should go back to the mortal world… I groan, damn summoning circles! 
I stretch my arm and goat legs and snap my fingers, summoning a portal, “I'll be back in a few hours!” I yawn out to no one in particular as I walk into the portal. 

Sunlight blinds me as I walk out of the portal, I let my hooves feel the grassy ground as I look around, I'm next to the school the human told me to meet her in, snapping my fingers again I turn into my human form, dark red skin turns to deep brown, yellow eyes turns to hazel, I shrink in size from 10 ft to 6.5 and horns disappear into my forehead, only a slight black sharp bump hidden by hair remain, I grimace as I rub it, I'm too tired to make the magic more effective.

Running to the school gate, my eyes scan for the rude human. I frown as I find her, she's laying on the ground, notebooks and box scattered around her as a few humans stand above her. What's happening? I stay quiet as I watch.

A brown-haired human speaks above the noise of the teens around her, “What is your problem, you freak?!” She shrieked, I winked as the obnoxious sound hit my sensitive ears. “You freaking idiot!” She yelled as he tossed one of the book on the ground and onto her chest, the rude human cried in pain as the thick book hit her. I groaned in frustration, I guess I have to do something to help her, UGHHHHH

“Oh no stop.” I say lazily, rubbing my eye with the back of my hand. The brown haired human head whips to the side to look at the destruction. The rude human's eyes squint at me before widening in realization, I smirk at her. “And who are you?” the brown haired girl asked, I bit the inside of my cheek before saying, “I am…her boyfriend.” 

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