6 - promise

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Michael had came over today.

he said he had missed me, and that I looked beautiful.

"you're too nice michael" I replied back.

he wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear "I'm only telling the truth princess"

his voice sent chills down my back, he had lightly kissed over my neck and that's when I stopped him.

"um michael"

"yes?" he said grazing my neck with his tongue

"s-stop" he lifted his head up and sighed. "promise, I like you a lot"

"w-what" I hate when I stutter "I like you. a lot" he repeated slower.

my eyes widened and I said "I l-l-like you too" he smiled, looking like an adorable kitten, "will you go on a date with me tomorrow??" I immediately agreed, he leaned in but as soon as he did, he got a phone call.

"I'm sorry its luke"

"hello? .....right now? ......um I'm on my way" michael said he had to leave because luke was in trouble or something. so he left.


This story is kind of cliché but whatevs

- jay the bae :)))

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