CH 18

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Arpine's POV 

After the akuma battle, we sat and talked for awhile. We have tried to come up with ideas to expose Lila but nothing worked. We all started getting frustrated. I was sitting at Chloe's desk while Chloe and Sabrina sat on her bed. "We are getting nowhere" Chloe huffs. "I know. She's way too good of a liar. Anything we say can be used against us. " I say. "Well, how about we don't attack her directly?" suggest Sabrina. "Go on". "Every time we try to attack her directly and confront her, she manages to wiggle her way out of it with her lies. What if we attack her from a different angle. Something she isn't going to expect. That way the ball can get rolling and she will fall without us ever having to touch her. We can watch everything fall apart from the sidelines, no one not even her will think we played a part in it." "Sabrina you are a genius!" says Chloe. "Thats perfect! We just need a way for that to work." She nods. We sit in thought about Sabrina's ideas. My phone lights up with a notification that Alya had posted to her Lady blog. Which gives me an idea. I pull out my laptop and start typing. "What are you doing?" Chloe asks. "I think that I just came up with the idea to get the ball rolling." I say. "What do you have in mind? says Sabrina. "Well I was thinking. The Lady blog is full of lies from Lila. Alya always uses her on it. Why not use that to get the ball rolling. I can use my anonymous blog to point out the inconsistencies with her blog. Maybe if people see that the Lady blog is a unreliable source then they won't follow it anymore. Granted, Lila will try to discredit me, but my blog is super popular, more popular than Ayla's blog, if she tries to discredit it to the class, fine. But My followers know I speak truth. I link my sources in all of my videos and review them. They trust me.'' I hold my breath waiting for their reaction. " I love it! Its a perfect plan!" says Brina. ''Since your blog is anonymous, no one will suspect you. So if Alya was to get akumatized, then she can't hurt anyone! Genius!" says Chloe. I blush at her words. I thank her and get to work. I do research and draw up a script.  I review it multiple times before recording it. Chloe allows me to use her recording technology. I record the video and we play it back. "Hello Everyone! In today's Video I wanted to do another review. I will be reviewing the Ladyblogg. Although it hasn't been requested, I came across it online and took a look at it. And Oh my goodness! Strap in! This will be a long on. First thing first, the main person I keep seeing is this Lila girl. Which doesn't make sense since the blog is dedicated to Ladybug as the profile says. Lila is one of Gabriel Agreste models from what I know. She keeps making claims that Ladybug saved her life and she is Ladybug's best friend. I know for a fact that Ladybug wouldn't be friends with a civilian because that puts the civilian's life in danger. Another thing I noticed is that in one of the videos, Lila claimed to have spoken to Ladybug after the Oni Chan battle. I knew for a fact that Ladybug said she couldn't do a interview because she had one minute before transforming back. From what Nadia had said. Which means Lila could not have spoke to Ladybug, because Ladybug would not want anyone to find out her identity. Furthermore, there are also personal interviews of Lila claiming to have met Prince Ali on multiple occasions. The occasions which she had spoken of where she met Prince Ali does not match up with his location at that time and he cannot be in two places at once. She claimed she has gotten tinnitus from saving Jagged Stone's kitten from a runway. Jagged stone is allergic to kittens. He said so in multiple interviews. Plus she is not fast enough to outrun a plane and other airplane security and staff. Also she said Jagged wrote a song about her. I have not seen this song anywhere, and if it was true, Lila looks like she is a minor and Jagged cannot write songs about minors at all because it would ruin his career. Also the author of this blog Alya Cesaire has been known to interrupt superheroes in the middle of the battle to get interviews. She has been known to be reckless and does not care about the safety of her friends and family from what I see. Again this is just what I have noticed from her blog. This is no hate to her but she needs to do better. She states that she wants to be a reporter but she does not act like one. She says a good reporter fact checks their sources but based off her content she needs to take her own advice. Be careful when reading this blog and watching the videos because they spread false information that is potentially harmful and dangerous. Again no hate to her. My overall review? I would rate this a 1/10 on the scale for the reasons aforementioned above. Stay safe and I will see you next time! Bye! I post the video after editing it and reviewing it again. "This will definitely get the ball rolling for sure! Be careful in class on Monday." Says Sabrina. I nod. We relax after posting the video and talk about Lila's downfall. I sit next to Chloe on the bed and try to hide my blush.  

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