CH 12

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Arpine's POV

The walk to school helped to clear my mind a bit. Mari had decided to walk with me. We both chatted happily about a few new designs that she's coming up with. The cool breeze whipped our skin as we walked. Francis Dupont comes into view and Mari starts getting nervous. "Just like we talked about yesterday. Just wear your headphones alright? Try to ignore everyone. I sent a email to Ms. Bustier about how distracting the students can be and asked if it was alright for you to wear headphones to class provided you kept the music low and she agreed." Mari nodded and put her headphones on, scrolling till she found her favorite Jagged Stone album and walked with me. As soon we got through campus doors the glares were on Mari. I linked my arm with hers and kept walking, fighting the anger rising in me. Lila spotted us and flinched once she saw Marinette. I could tell it was a fake flinch but obviously Alya couldn't as she glared harshly at Marinette. We both got into class and sat next to each other. Mari kept her head down, not looking at anyone. I pull my books out when Alya storms up to us. "Are you seriously still sitting with her?! She threatened and hit Lila and you still are with her? I clench my hands under the table, a low growl at the back of my throat. "Mari is my cousin. Of course I am going to sit next to her." I say sharply. "She is lying to you. She lied to all of us. How could you stand by and watch her bully innocent Lila who does nothing but try to help her?" She glares at Mari. "Stop lying to everyone Marinette. Lila has shown everyone your true colors. I cannot believe you were my best friend! And now you are manipulating your cousin as well! Arpine please. I am trying to help you here. Please sit with me and Lila. Marinette is just trying to hurt you the same way she did with Lila. Marinette is worst than Monarch!" At her statement it took every ounce of self control that I had not to punch Alya in the face. "How could she be so blind? And she wears glasses! Lila is obviously lying to her and she still believes Lila?!"  I stand up giving Alya the coldest glare I've ever given causing her to flinch back. Despite my small frame I somehow tower over her. "Call Marinette Monarch again. I dare you. If you don't want to be around my cousin fine. You mess with her you mess with me and I promise you will regret it." My voice so cold that it sends a visible shiver down Alya's spine. She growls. "You can't expect me to just sit here and allow Lila to be bullied by Marinette." At that moment, Lila walks in timidly. "I-is it safe?" Her voice is barely above a whisper. Alya immediately runs to her side. "Of course it is Lila. I promise to protect you from Lila. She shoots Marinette a another glare before leading Lila to sit next to her. Lila fake sniffles before pulling out her textbooks. I sit down next to Mari whose eyes are filled with unshed tears. I take a deep breath before hugging her. She smiles at me before rubbing her eyes. No matter what I will stand by Marinette. I look up and see Adrien staring at us causing Mari to blush. I see Lila frown before covering it up with a smile. Adrien looks like he wants to say something but decides against it as Ms. Bustier comes in, starting the lesson. 

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