Rainie Von Boo-Doubloons

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NameRainie Von Boo-Doubloons

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Rainie Von Boo-Doubloons

Monster Parent
Sea Monsters (biological), a Ghost-Mermaid & a Ghost Pirate (adoptive)

15 (DOB: 19/09)

Killer Style
I find things around the beach and turn them into clothes and accessories. My favourite is this star necklace I made using pieces of broken seashells.

Freaky Flaw
I'm a people pleaser. I just let people walk all over me because I'm afraid of upsetting them. I know I shouldn't care so much about what people think of me but I feel like I can't help it.

Coral, my sea otter! She only likes me, I feel special.

Favourite Colour
All the colours of the ocean.

Favourite Food
Mama Sirena's homemade seaweed sushi!

Biggest Pet Peeve
When people leave litter on the beach. Pick it up! It's not that hard! Keep it with you and throw it in the nearest bin!

Favourite Activity
Going to the beach! Pearl and Thana are more into lounging in the sun but I'm all about swimming!

Favourite School Subject
Oceanography. Despite being the daughter of a half-mermaid and a pirate, I don't know much about the depths of the ocean so the class is helpful!

Least Favourite School Subject
Clawculus. Too many numbers. Can't focus.

Pearl Webber & Thana Styxx

Love Interest



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