Dahlia McFlytrap

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NameDahlia McFlytrap

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Dahlia McFlytrap

Monster Parent
A Plant Monster & a Werewolf-Gargoyle (step-mother)

14 (DOB: 09/11)

Killer Style
All my clothes are made of 100% recycled materials. I also have plants growing on me so there's that detail.

Freaky Flaw
I don't seem to get that not everyone is as into plants as I am. Not everyone wants plants everywhere they go but I don't want to just contain them to the garden!

All the plants at Monster High are my pets.

Favourite Colour
All the colours my namesake comes in!

Favourite Food
Like my mother says, nothing better than fresh water and sunshine.

Biggest Pet Peeve
Pollution. We only have one planet so let's take care of it, shall we?

Favourite Activity
Caring for the plants around Monster High, with the help of Thana Styxx, the president of the newly revived Gardening Club.

Favourite School Subject
Mad Science. Just don't tell Mx Stein that I'm not using the skills I'm learning the way I'm meant to.

Least Favourite School Subject
Dance. I have terrible rhythm and I always end up stepping on my dance partner's toes.

Clay du Roque & Minerva Steam

Love Interest
Minerva Steam (queerplatonic partner)



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