Chapter 8: End of prologue part 1

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Liam approached us as he seemed to be waiting for an opportunity to grab my attention. Miles noticed and decided to join Harrison and Sophia with their inspection of the markings around the sides of the room.

"General, please come take a look at this." He said, motioning towards the relic at the center of the room. I walked over and finally got close enough to see over the wall surrounding it.

The relic was filled with glistening water, or at least something that looked like water. It was pure but light blue with a hint of green that seemed like it glowed. The water was filled with what looked like countless, translucent stones. They looked similar to the weapons we summoned. I grabbed one to get a closer look.

"What are these?" I asked.

I held it up close to Liam's conjured flame to get a closer look and the stone glowed in the light.

"Not sure. They seem to be made of the same thing that the weapons are but I can't say for certain."

"Made of the same thing? I thought that they looked the same but isn't that too much?"

"Impossible to know unless more research is done. But it is a possibility"

Liam opened the bag that he brought and both of us filled it to the brim with the stones. He made one more trip around the sides of the room, copying all of the markings before following us back up the staircase when Miles grabbed my shoulder.

"All of the sentries have been destroyed," he said softly.

We continued up the staircase silently for a few moments. I was about to say something but Harrison spoke up first.

"Finally. I was beginning to think it would leave us hanging."

"Please don't Jinx us Harrison." Sophia begged.

We exited the staircase and walked towards the large door at the end of the longhouse.

"No but really," Miles said. "It really took its time. Do you think it was waiting for something?"

"There is no way to know for sure." I finally spoke. "Right now it would be a waste trying to find all of the answers. The only truth right now is that we must kill it to get back alive."

Liam laughed a bit as he dropped the bag of stones near the door. "Well said General!"

We stood together in front of the massive door. Gradually each of their weapons began to form. Miles' gauntlet had been active already but green particles flowed freely through it. Liam's great ax materialized over his shoulder and its heat greatly raised the temperature of the room. Harrison's body enveloped in his white aura as he summoned a massive spear. Compared to the spear, Sophia's wand was tiny but somehow equally intimidating.

"Are you all ready?" I asked.

"Yes sir!"

Sophia slowly started gathering mana and raised her wand. The air around her began to ripple as the wand surged with power. She confidently aimed at the door and released all the mana at once, completely exploding the door.

Harrison, Liam and I rushed through where the door once was and I spotted a humanoid silhouette through the dust. As it settled we got a clearer look at the guardian. At a glance it looked human, upon any kind of inspection it was clear something was wrong.

The guardian had flowing golden hair that ran down towards the middle of its back. It was dressed in what looked to be some kind of ceremonial outfit that was quite well maintained. I was unable to tell the origins of the outfit but something else stole my attention quickly. It had no face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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