Chapter 3

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I first noticed how dense the forest was after clearing the treeline. My vision was blocked on all sides by the thick trunks of the trees and their low hanging branches. The vegetation on the forest floor was thick as well, with no clear pathways. I wonder what, if anything, lives here to cause so little disturbance.

More flowers appeared the further inland we traveled , decorating the forest floor and vines that now crept up trees and down branches. The flowers white petals were almost like a veil as they covered the branches barely allowing sunlight to reach through. The trees had mostly thinned out though, making it much easier to move around.

A figure appeared as I made my way around a tree and the rabbit quickly jumped towards it. The figure picked up the rabbit and gently patted it before my guide became enveloped in a green flash and disappeared.

"Miles, it's nice to see you."

"Nice to see you as well, General."

Miles smiled and let his white teeth show as he leaned into a nearby tree. His blond bangs hung slightly over his face hiding a scar across his forehead, while the rest of his long hair was held up by a hair tie and fell down his back. He was covered in a green and brown outfit, blending himself into the forest. Despite being in his mid thirties like me, he looked no older than twenty.

"Aren't you tired after facing that giant Demon? I wasn't expecting you so soon."

"I was playing a supporting role. Liam, Sebastian, Amy and Darius were the most important in making sure we didn't get caught."

"Your humble words aren't very convincing after seeing you literally split open the sea."

"Quit it. I still have more than enough energy."

"Of course you do, Mr. Almighty."

I shot him a quick glare. "Don't call me that."

Miles Carter and I have known each other since our teenage years when we were first drafted for the war. We come from the same city and met after being admitted to The Institution, now run by Broderick, and being placed in the same dorm. We became friends quickly after that and since graduating we have fought together as a part of the same unit for over a decade along with Harrison, Sophia and Sebastian.

"How are the newcomers?" he asked, referring to Amy and Darius I assumed.

"They're good," I replied. "I'll have to thank Broderick for sending such reliable people."

"What about Liam?"

"He's much better than I expected, honestly. He was able to keep up and arguably outperform Amy despite not having any kind of blessing," I said honestly.

"Really?" Miles asked, more out of curiosity than skepticism.

"It's surprising right? Makes you wonder about what's going on around the Hell Plains."

If we were currently closer towards the center of the map the Hell Plains would be around the borders of it. Most of it is uncharted territory, due to the incredibly strong demons that reside there. Soldiers are sent to the borders lining the Hell Plains to make sure that none of the demons cross over and wreak havoc on the towns and cities nearby. Liam has been stationed at the Hell Plains since he was only 15 years old and he is now in his early 30s, similarly to me and Miles.

During his time there he has become quite famous and popular, especially among the others working around the Hell Plains. During the process of recruiting for this expedition Liam was recommended by nearly everyone that we interviewed for his knowledge and experience. He seems to have spent a vast majority of his time researching Demons and has been the leader of more than a few expeditions deep into the Hell Plains. I decided to bring him along for his knowledge but his strength is definitely not something that should be complaining about either.

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