Brown and Pink Trailer

115 8 3

Neo talking with sign language: You are an Idiot

Neo in thought: Interesting

Flashback or Hours or Minutes ago: Aventurine: It's all or nothing!

Present: Aventurine: Go ahead, use me as you wish, even stab me in the back if you see fit.


A Few Hours Ago...

Aventurine: You know you don't have to accept this contract right just come along with me to Junior's Bar and we can gamble all we want.

Neo looked at him like he was an idiot and he just smirked while Neo knew he just wanted attention she still felt a bit guilty that she couldn't come along and while Aventurine may say things about gambling. She knew he hated it and was scared of it that's why she would sometimes never let him gamble on things that are hard to do.

Neo: Kakavsha...I'll only be gone for a few hours I'll be back and don't worry It won't be long.

Aventurine cringed as he remembered that name and the bad things that had happened to him but decided to trust Neo and knew she wouldn't disappoint him in any way.

Aventurine: Fine I'll trust you and Alright, I'll call your bet~

Neo just smiled as while she knew Aventurine trusted her very much and had her back and she had his back and trusted him in anything he did if anyone were to get in her way and try to hurt him she would never stop hunting that person till the end of the world. But the plan is that she has a contract on schedule and that is to assassinate a person who is targeted and has hired her to do the job.

After all, she is tasked to assassinate a person of high class in Atlas and is on a train full of dust that will be shipped to Atlas. This person that she is tasked to assassinate is a person she wouldn't mind taking out he was a disciple person and arrogant and also abused many faunus that he has brought or seen homeless faunus in the outside cold in Atlas....ones without families now that made her sick to her stomach as it reminded her of what happened to Kakavsha...and herself with her father.

Hours Later...

Neo was now on the train in disguise as a helper using her semblance Overactive Imagination is something that helped her in many of her contracts even ones with Aventurine. So far all the shipments and things are in order and nothing is out of place the target was near her view and was sitting down in front and enjoying his wine and smiling like he owns the world.

Her target was named Wilson Friedrick he is very well known in Atlas and was one of the higher-status in the business industry at Atlas so many wanted to work with him. Neo got some info that his whole operation was a big scam and corrupt and it's no wonder he had so many people after her and wanted him gone but he made too many mistakes one being that he left many holes in his operation including not being smart enough to cover his tracks.

Wilson: I can't wait to work with Jacques Schnee after all he and I go way back and I can't wait to see the mother load and even rise higher than ever before!

Neo saw he was having fun while he was drinking his wine to his heart's content Neo already was near and behind him just as she was about to get Dandelion out and get rid of him an alarm made her stop before she could do it as the conductor of the train came out and had a panicked face.

System: Alert! Alert! Intruders in the building!

Wilson: What's the meaning of this?! Conductor, you said this was the best security you had on this train!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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