Yellow And Spade Trailer

139 7 3

Junior's Bar

Aventurine: If you had the chance to make a 2000% return, but risk losing 100% of your principal, what would you do?

Aventurine was walking down the hall with his gold coin and was moving it around with his hand as he saw the door to the main floor of the bar. He opened it wide as all the customers looked at him in shock.

Aventurine: The math is simple. There's no way to define the value of a single chip.

Many people in Junior's Bar notice the coin and the eyes and that can only mean one thing...The gambler has returned to make more bets on the table. Aventurine ignored their stares and kept walking past them while flipping his coin in the air and catching it. Aventurine then sees the man of the hour...Junior.

Aventurine: Junior! Just the man I have been wanting to meet! I've heard you wanting to see me for some reason?"

Junior then looks at Aventurine and grabs an envelope from his pocket and gives it to him as Aventurine looks at it with confusion and then takes it. Aventurine then looks at and takes out the letter from the envelope and reads it then looks at Junior with a stink eye.

Aventurine: Roman Torchwick wants to partner up with Neo and you decide to help him out by giving me this letter from him? Yeah, that's not gonna happen even with betting I don't put my partner on the table.

Junior then gulped and calmed himself down while Aventurine is his sponsor who helps this bar out he also can't afford to offend Aventurine since he can do many things with a snap of a finger even causing this place to be no longer his or the Xiong Family it'll be Aventurine's.

Junior: A-Aventurine...Roman has bought some of my guys and this was a favor I owe him and he told me to give you this I have no choice-

Aventurine cut him off and looked at him with a calm expression while grabbing six of the dice that he had in his pocket and giving three to Junior and three to himself. Aventurine then grabbed two plastic cups gave one to Junior and one to himself, and placed the three dice in the cup.

Aventurine: Let's make a wager...You will be playing for your supposed new partner Roman Torchwick and I will be playing for Neo If I win you will tell Torchwick to never ask about Neo and I will also gain access to 50% of your revenue in the bar...Deal?

Junior then goes wide-eyed at that bet as 50% of the revenue in the bar is too much and might even make the bar go bankrupt. Junior was even considering cursing Roman for his bad luck for offending Aventurine which is his number one rule to never do. 

Junior: Deal...I accept the bet...

Aventurine then smiled as he decided to play a bit risky and take out a case that had a diamond inside a golden one at that and how he obtained it was due to a game of poker in Mistral. Aventurine then shakes his plastic cup as Junior does the same with his cup while looking at the case Aventurine brought out wondering what was inside.

Aventurine: A single chip is worth a Miracle. The dice are cast. It's all or nothing now.

Then on instinct, Aventurine hid his left arm behind his back while smiling at Junior which in Junior's perspective Aventurine was going to win...But the real reason his hand was behind his back was due to Aventurine's hand was shaking in fear of losing the gamble.

Both of them let go as in total six dice were in the table Junior's hit two stars and one four-leaf clover while Aventurine's hit...In all three spades, the winner was Aventurine.

Junior: I-I lost...oh no...

Aventurine's hand stopped shaking as he showed his left hand and put everything back into his semblance he then looked at Junior with a calm expression while getting out of his seat.

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