The Plane

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The next thing i know i'm sat across from Shelby in a private jet, Dot sat in front of my and a ton of random girls surrounding us. Shelby stands up, moving to the front of the plane and getting everyone's attention by saying, "So, in the interest of bringing us all together, i'd like to propose a little icebreaker." cheerfully, earning a few curious and a couple of annoyed looks from the other girls. "Ooh. Like never have i ever?" says a girl in a pink shirt, excitedly. "Uh, that game's a little much." Shelby continues before being interrupted by the same girl again. "I know." she says before turning around and addressing the rest of the plane. "So here's how it works. One person says something they've never done and if you have done it, you have to drink alcohol."
ok we've been on this plane for like an hour how do i already have a headache.
"Uh. That game's a little intense. Like, for people who don't know each other real well. So how about we just pair off, powwow with your partner for a sec, and then afterwards you can introduce her to the rest of us?" this idea was met by some mumblings of quiet conversation before Shelby continued. "Okay. Guess i'll have to play matchmaker." she said cheerfully before walking up to one girl and grabbing her arm, taking her down the plane  "You can come with me." she says, pushing her into a seat before grabbing my shoulders and pushing me into a seat of my own. i slouched in my seat, looking up at Shelby with an unimpressed glare. She replies to this with a wink before taking the seat of the girl she moved.

I looked away from Shelby, instead turning to my left and leaning my left arm on the arm rest, extending the other across the isle towards the girl sitting there. "Hi. y/n l/n. You?" i say, getting the girl's attention. "Leah Rilke" she says, looking up from her book and reaching her own hand towards my outstretched one. "What're you reading?" i ask as i couldn't see the front cover from this angle. she turns the front cover to face me, allowing me to read it. "Oh nice! I read that last week. I liked it but the ending felt a bit-" i continued before being interrupted by Leah. "Disappointing. Yeah me too. I don't think i've ever met someone else who actually liked it." she said with a small, genuine smile.

Me and Leah talked for a while, eating the cake that was given to us. It turned out we had quite a lot in common.

I moved seats, now sitting across from a stunning girl that i had learnt was called Fatin. We had exchanged a few words in greeting but hadn't had a chance to start a real conversation yet as i was interrupted before i could even speak. Hearing rushed footsteps, i turned to look into the isle as Shelby rushed past. I reached out and grabbed her hand asking "Hey, you alright? You need anything?" she stopped and turned to me saying. "Yeah i'm fine i just need to go to the bathroom is all." while subtly smiling at me, showing me the cake stuck in her teeth. "Oh ok." i say, smiling back and letting go of her hand, allowing her to continue rushing into the bathroom.

Before i knew it the plane began shaking, everyone panicking, crying, running around maniacally while looking for comfort. Shelby came rushing back out of the bathroom and over to me. I opened my arms, allowing her to sit sideways on my lap, gripping me for dear life and muttering prayers under her breath. 
I heard crying to my left, looking over to see Fatin with tears streaming down her face looking back at me. I reached a hand out for her to hold and she clasped onto it like it was her last day on Earth.


But then i was awake. I was hyper aware of my surroundings. The biting cold, the wind rushing past my face creating an unbearable sound in my ears, the shrill and far away voices. I peeled my face away from whatever it had been laying on, looking down to investigate. It was a suitcase. My suitcase. That's right! I was going to Hawaii. But then i remembered the plane. The screams. The panic. 'Where am i?' I think before looking up from my suitcase but seeing only open water in front of me. I spin around in a panic and see a land mass on the horizon, far, far away but my only hope.

So i began swimming. And i kept swimming, using my suitcase to float. For what felt like forever. Until i started being able to make out the words that were being screamed out into the ocean. It was a name. It was my name "y/n!" over and over again. I recognised that voice. "y/n!" it was Shelby. She was ok. It took me another half an hour to get to shore. The shouts from Shelby never stopped. In fact, new voices were being added. First was Leah's, then Dot's, then Fatin's, and then a few that i couldn't recognise. They were all ok and that became my motivation to keep going. Once i finally began feeling the sand beneath my feet i shouted out "Shelby!" feeling increasingly weak by the second. "Shel-" i tried, but after battling the ocean for that long i had no energy left at all. I was drifting in and out of consciousness as i was dragged ashore by many pairs of hands, eventually ending up on the dry sand before passing out again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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