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As i pull up to my house on my motorbike i see my parents waiting outside for me to come home. Walking up to the house i take off my helmet and unzip my jacket, coming to stand in front of my dad. "y/n we have a surprise for you" he says cheerfully before looking to my mum to continue on from him. "We've decided that you could do with some time away from home so yesterday we signed you up for a retreat in Hawaii." my mother said, smiling at me happily. "For how long?" i ask, so far not very happy with this surprise. "Just a few weeks over summer, you'll be back before you know it." my dad continues. "Do i have a choice?" i ask, trying my hardest to get out of this. "I'm afraid not, everything's already paid for. In fact you should start packing and figuring out anything you need to buy to take with you." my mum says, truly depressing me. "Whatever." i say, pushing past my smiling parents and storming up to my bedroom.

I pull out my phone and text one of my best friends, Shelby Goodkind.
"hey, i need to get out of the house you wanna go out somewhere? i can pick you up just lmk when and where :)"
Shelby was the polar opposite of me. She competes in beauty pageants and is easily one of the prettiest people i've ever had the fortune to meet. On the complete other end of the spectrum, i'm a major tomboy and a low-key jock, playing football and being on the swim team and probably the most athletic girl in school (and one of the best looking). Me and Shelby go to the same school of course, along with Dot, whose dad used to coach our football team before he got sick. I was in contact with Dot, checking in on her and her dad up until recently when she stopped returning my messages. I put the pieces together and realised that her dad must've passed away.

After zoning back into reality i realised that Shelby had responded.
"Yeah you can pick me up in 10 from my house x"
"cool, wear something comfy. cya in 10"
"Cya soon x"
i quickly got changed into something comfy, putting my jacket over my hoodie, grabbed my keys, helmet and my spare helmet before shouting to my parents that i was going out and getting on my bike.

I was at Shelby's house within 5 minutes and parked outside before waking up to the front door and ringing the doorbell. Shelby opened the door with a smile and welcomed me with a hug. "So, where are we going?" she said, waking with me to my bike as i hand her the spare helmet. "Trust me you'll love it. Don't look so worried i'm not kidnapping you." i say, chuckling at her concerned facial expression.

Once we arrive at the cliff side overlooking everything i take off my helmet, prompting Shelby to do the same. We walk over to the edge and sit a few meters away on the grass to watch the sunset. "Sorry for dragging you out here. My parents signed me up for some stupid retreat in Hawaii without even asking me whether or not i wanted to go and i needed to get out of there." i say, finally admitting why we were all the way up here in he first place.
"Really?!? That's great!" she exclaims, to which i look at her oddly. "I mean it's not great that they didn't ask you first but it is great that you're going too!" she continues, explaining herself. "Wait. You mean to tell me that you're going on this stupid trip too?!" i shout, maybe a little too loud. "Yes! But keep your voice down." Shelby whisper-shouts back. "Well i guess that'll make it a little bit less like torture and more like a holiday then." i say, chuckling at Shelby's excitement. "Exactly! We're gonna have so much fun y/n." Shelby says, leaning her head on my shoulder to watch the sunset. "Yeah, i hope so." i say, smiling down at her before leaning my head on top of hers.

The Island - Fatin Jadmani Where stories live. Discover now