13. October. 2277 - Madison Brianne Li

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James, if you've left to go on a wild goose chase for this 'Vault 112' and its 'Garden Of Eden Creation Kit' and not to reunite with and take care of your daughter, so help me I will lose whatever patience I still have for you.

I did more research into Dr. Braun after you left, research I'm sure you looked at but aren't thinking much of because the man has been dead for almost two hundred years.

As it turns out, his alleged genius was aggressively overstated and, instead, it looks more and more like he was a sadistic, evil piece of work. I suppose I shouldn't be all that surprised, considering the rumours that have been circling around Vault-Tec much longer than either of us have even been alive, but it has me worried. If you get in over your head with this, I don't know what will or might happen, and I'd rather not dwell on some of the more concerning possibilities.

All you're doing is proving me right. This is all terribly irrational, and it is only seeming to get more and more irrational by the day.

I suppose it doesn't matter. I have my own life, my own projects, my own job, and I don't need to be dragged into whatever the hell it is you think you're doing, James. In an ideal world, yes, I would be more than happy to return to working on and finish out Project Purity, but we don't have the resources, we don't have the evidence to even propose restarting the work on it, and, more pertinently, we don't have the time. Much as I resent it, I'm sure the Brotherhood would feel the very same way.

More than anything else, though, I'm just tired. There's far too much to do, and far too much to think about. Janice is panicking half the time because of the Brotherhood, Anna is getting in the way of work being done by complaining, and Albert Garza is constantly being dragged in and out of maintenance. The second one thing goes wrong, two or three more things go wrong. A pipe bursts, and then one of the water purifiers goes offline and needs to be dealt with. Just last week, one of the purifiers leaked all the way through, and the entire thing needed to be replaced. It may have only been one of many for the labs, but it was one more thing to have dealt with. I can't do everything myself, and, even if I could, I wouldn't. I have my own projects, my own life, and too damn much to do.

My email inbox, unfortunately, is evidence enough of it.

Danvers.L (Security Update – 12. October. 2277)

Dr. Zimmer has been fingerprinted, and his stats put on file in the event he causes trouble enough to warrant arrest. He is a nuisance, but we haven't got a reason to arrest him unless he causes more than just frustration. However, we are keeping an eye on him to ensure he doesn't interfere in work, classes, or commits any acts of thievery or espionage. We also won't be letting him leave the city from here on out to prevent him from contacting the Enclave or interfering with Brotherhood operations.

I've attached Zimmer's file below –

Well, I certainly can't say you leave any stones unturned, Lana. At least someone knows how to focus in Rivet City Security. If he weren't so affable, Harkness probably wouldn't be the head of the department.

Zimmer, Dr. Charles Alexander

Notes: highly uncooperative, armed, and retains a bodyguard. His bodyguard was also highly uncooperative and armed. Claims to be from the former Commonwealth Of Massachusetts, and a member of an advanced, scientific 'Institute.' Further investigation has, by and large, confirmed that story, though evidence of this 'Institute' has been inconsistent and primarily the product of rumours originating in the former Commonwealth Of Massachusetts, the former Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania, and the former states of New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Connecticut, and Maine. Any issues with Dr. Zimmer should be told to and handled by cleared members of Rivet City Security only. Prevent him from interfering with the Brotherhood Of Steel at all costs.

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