10. October. 2277 - Adam Jackson Harkness

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I would like to personally invite anyone (within reason) who thinks being part of Rivet City Security is an easy job to come spend a month or so working as one of us.

Now, hey, hey, that's not to say we don't have fun. Lana Danvers is one of the best shooters I've ever seen and has shot multiple mirelurks through the eyes with just a few shots from a pistol. Travers makes a mean lava cake, and I don't think I've ever tasted anything better. Karen can memorise entire security reports within a day or two, Dustin can repair weapons like it's nothing, and Jake Davis is quick on his feet and turning out to be one of our best new recruits, although he has been weirded out by the fact he has the same last name as Dr. Li's old friend and colleague despite not being related. Not quite sure how he can't wrap his head around the fact he's got a super fucking common last name, but it's whatever, just a weird thing of his. The weirdest thing about him is his jumpiness when he fires automatic weapons, which is why Lana's having Dustin work with him on it by killing mirelurks before graduating to raiders. Oh, and then there's Becky Lorin, also a little new but taking everything in stride and she taught me how to make mixed drinks like Long Island Iced Teas which apparently are a common vice where she's from up north. I can't remember the names of everyone on the force, but they're all fucking good people. Can't find better anywhere else, far as I know.

So, yeah, we know how to have fun, and we get our work done well. Doesn't make it easy. Try being woken up at two in the morning to have to kill a mirelurk infestation in the underground parts of the city. If you aren't paying enough attention because you're groggy, they can and will grab you wherever their pincers can reach. You haven't felt real pain until a mirelurk has snapped its pincers on your dick. You also haven't enjoyed killing a mirelurk to the point of being almost gleeful about it until that happens. According to Becky, the female equivalent would be them grabbing your tits, but, thankfully, none of the women on the force have ever had to deal with that. Closest thing was when one of the newcomers to the city tried cop a feel on Lana at one of the city's bars and got a concussion from her smacking him over the head with the butt of her gun. Not that I encourage violence, but the son of a bitch had it coming. Besides, unless something seriously bad happens, I don't interfere with the judgement of those on my force. Like I said, they're fucking good people and, so far, in the last who fucking knows how many years I've served on the force, I've never had to interfere with anyone's judgement. Civilians, sometimes, but never with those on the force.

The only time I've questioned the judgement of someone on the force was when Dustin got real drunk a few years back and Travers had to stop him from trying to carry a mirelurk carcass up from outside the city inside so he could show it off. Travers talked him out of it eventually, but I still can't figure out why the hell he wanted to show off the carcass of a mirelurk he killed just because it was fucking massive. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know how to do taxidermy, so that wouldn't have been a reason. Either way, he made it back without breaking any of his limbs and Travers didn't have to poke and prod him too much to find out Dustin had gotten stupid drunk before trying to carry the mirelurk around. Said it explained why he was waving it around like a rag doll, at least, until he ended up dropping it on his feet. At least it was the soft parts and not the shell, the way I heard the story anyways. But for me? I don't end up questioning my judgement after things all that often, if I were doing it too much there'd definitely be something wrong with me, but it's been a thing before. It has been a thing especially after hooking up with someone. Think the worst was after Lana and I got a bit high off a couple buckets of paint and glue and decided to head back to her apartment, strip, and attempt to paint some canvas she'd found laying around by having sex on it while covered in a ton of paint.

Long story short, we didn't make anything interesting or, at least, anything more interesting than one of those creepy images you think you see in that ink blotting test and, instead, she had to peel paint off her breasts with tweezers and I had to try and find a way to get paint off my dick. It came off eventually, but it was still aggravating. If we'd been less high, I'd probably have realised all of that could have been avoided if I'd just found a condom, but I think I'd lost the last few I kept laying around my apartment and, hey, we were in hers anyways. Either way I probably lost some and my dog might have eaten some of them too. Didn't end up mattering since Lana apparently hates them but I still wonder if they got chomped on. Thankfully I didn't have to think much about it since we both realised hooking up with each other and working closely together would be a mistake. It was fun, don't get me wrong, but we probably would have just gotten bored when we ran out of new ways to have sex. But other than hooking up with me (which was definitely a bad idea)? Danvers has some of if not the best judgement of anyone on the force. I'd trust her with my life, and, if I ever God forbid have to leave Rivet City, or have to leave the former Capital, or retire, or die, she's the one person I know would do right by the people of Rivet City and could keep the force together. Lana spends pretty much all of her time working or picking up other people's shifts if they need it, and, if anyone gives a solid fuck about this city and its people enough to do anything for their safety, it's Lana Leslie Danvers.

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