Best Pharmacy Software in Guwahati

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Marg ERP is the Marg ERP stands out as the top choice. Here's why:

ERP-to-ERP Order: Seamlessly communicate with suppliers for quick and efficient order processing.

Promise Order: Commit to customers regarding delivery times, ensuring transparency and reliability.

Barcode-wise Billing: Easily scan and bill products, reducing errors and speeding up transactions.

Auto-Prescription Reminder: Set up automatic reminders for prescription refills, ensuring timely medication adherence.

Send Invoices on WhatsApp/SMS: Conveniently send invoices to customers via popular messaging platforms.

Inventory Management: Keep track of stock levels and expiry dates, minimizing wastage and stockouts.

Expiry Management: Receive alerts for impending medication expirations, preventing dispensing of expired products.

Prescription Management: Store and manage electronic prescriptions securely, improving accuracy and compliance.

Rack Management: Organize inventory efficiently to optimize shelf space and reduce clutter.

Re-Order Management: Automatically generate purchase orders to maintain optimal stock levels.

Online Purchase Import: Import orders directly into the system, streamlining procurement processes.

Substitute Availability: Receive notifications for available substitutes when a prescribed medication is out of stock.

Free Drug Helpline: Access valuable information and support through a drug helpline.

Digital Salesman (Flip): Showcase products digitally and process orders remotely, expanding reach beyond the physical store.

Doctor Account Management: Manage accounts for healthcare providers, facilitating seamless communication and collaboration.

Family Ledger Management: Maintain detailed transaction records for individual customers or families, simplifying billing and accounting.

Delivery Management: Efficiently manage home deliveries, optimizing routes and ensuring timely deliveries to customers.

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