Chapter 3

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Austin's POV

"Sorry, Alan wasn't it?" I asked as I took a seat in my black leather desk chair at that sat behind my desk. I had to do my best to stifle a small laugh, watching him fumble around with all his things, trying to organise them, it was mildly amusing. I'd done interviews before, much to my distaste, and it was clear he wasn't exactly the most experienced interviewer in California. I didn't mind though, it was kind of cute how he looked so awkward and out of his comfort zone, but yet seemed to be taking it better then I've seen other amaturs handle it.

"Yes, Alan Ashby, Mr. Carlile." He nodded, I felt sorry for him a little, to have an interview, with me, put upon him last minute and he didn't look much older then twenty two, maybe twenty three at a push, but maybe that's just my thinking because he is a little on the small side. But I couldn't say I was disappointed that Mrs. Hilton couldn't make it, of course I genuinely felt sorry for the sad news about her mother he had relayed to myself, but this little ginger...there was something about him that instantly drew me to him. The way his ginger hair fell perfectly, albeit a little wild around his face. The way his red botton up shirt was fitted nicely and the tattoo's I noticed on one of his hands. He was small, and I liked them small, although I was six foot four, so it wasn't exactly hard to be small when you where next to me. And those eyes of his, a soft brown, almost hazel colour that just looking at them instantly sparked my intrest, I couldn't think why for the life of me, there was just something about him that made me want to know more about him.

I cleared my throat quitely, snapping myself from my thoughts, I couldn't be caught off guard and staring at him, I didn't need to make him more uncomfortable, and I had a reputation to uphold here. "Perfect, so, I believe you have some questions for me?"

"Uh, yes, I do." He nodded, clearing his throat. "Okay, so first question, to what do you owe your sucess?"

Oh god, here we go, the same old questions, this was the reason I didn't do many interviews, I may as well just tape my response to these questions and hand it out to every publisher out there, would make my life so much easier. I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes at him, but I couldn't be mad at him, they weren't his questions I guessed, he was simply reading off a list he was given, so I chose to be polite and answer. "Well, it's a simple answer really, my mother. She is who I owe my sucess too, she started this company back when I was around the age of thirteen, sadly, as most are aware she passed away when I was seventeen. The board oversaw things while me and my father where coping with her loss, and on my eighteenth birthday, I discovered she'd left the company to me and I was made CEO and I've been here ever since. It wasn't much when I took over, just a small company, it made good money and everything, but I was determind to make it more. I wanted to make her proud, make it her legacy in a sense, so I used my knowledge and sheer determination to build it up to what it is today."

"Oh, I'm sorry about your mom." He looked at me with genuine sympathy. Usually I hated it when people would say things like that, it was always the same old, and fake, but he was sweet and genuine, so I simply offered him a small smile and a nod as a thank you for his condolences.

"Time heals a little." I shrugged. In reality, it didn't, it really didn't, I missed my mom every day, even after nine years, but right now, I couldn't show any form of vunrability, so I had to shrug it off.

"Okay, so uh, next question, where do you see your company in five years?"

"Exactly as it is, only bigger and better. I already know that the company is very sucessful, but I'm a firm believer in the saying that there is always room for improvement. So, my goal is to keep striving to make this company the best it can be, no matter what it takes."

"And, how do you plan on doing that?"

"By continuing as I am. See, I like to exercise...control, in all aspects. I expect nothing more then the absoulte best from all my employee's, from the interns, right up to my fellow directors and board members. If, they do not achieve their best, they're fired, and I employ someone new, and capable of doing the job. It may seem harsh, but it's not like I don't give them a chance, because I do, however if I want the best, I need the best. They all have set rules, and dress codes which are to be followed at all times. Naturally, I'm not a completely cold hearded man, I am firm, but fair, one small error won't get you fired instantly. But of course, a man who does not, and cannot take control of his affairs is doomed to fail, and I learned that one the hard way."

Mr.Carlile ~Cashby~ Collab with @BandShipperWhere stories live. Discover now