take 3: just a celebrity, pt1

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i walked into the venue nervous. a bouncer stopped me.
"you 21?" he asked. i shook my head no.
"i'm doing media." i replied. he nodded and gave me a blue bracelet.
"appreciate it." i said walking down. i was glad i got here early. i got to talk to the security who moved me on the stage. i was here to take photos for the CA Envy and T Da Real concert. this is their third to last tour stop. rumors was running around that CA Envy is a woman.

whoever they are, they always wore a shiesty and masculine clothes. their voice is kinda deep. i always thought they was a woman... i mean even if they aren't who cares? the music is fire. the openers came and went. only one of em really stood out to me and i made sure to take her name down. i only took a couple pictures of her, i was here for the headliners. the lights dimmed as the dj started talking again.
"WHO READY FOR EVNY? LEMME HEAR YA MAKE SOME NOIIIIIIIIIISE!!" the crowd went wild, me included.
"WHO READY FOR T DA REAAAAAAAL? COME ON MAKE SONE NOISE!!" the dj yelled playing some air horns.

"LETS GET IT, 3 2 1!! HERE WE GOOOOOO!" he yelled. as he yelled T Da Real jumped on stage and started rapping. the crowd was LIVE. i filmed and rapped along. my talent was being able fully rap the songs, get lit, and take perfect pictures with some quick video clips as well. Tione started talking as the first couple songs ended.
"Aye aye aye, appreciate yall coming out here tonight. yall know this our first tour and we so grateful to have yall." tione laughed and scratched his hair. "here i'm talking about we and it's just me. AYO EVNY! GET UP HERE BRUH!" as the music started back up again CA Envy hopped on stage and started rapping.

the crowd was going sick. all the flashing lights and cameras out. just for T and Envy. the concert went on for another hour or so. as the night winded down Tione took the mic again.
"appreciate yall turning up for us tonight. we do this shit cause we love it and yall make us love it."
"nah but for real though," Envy interjected. "this really our passion and we glad to be here. i even got my hair done just for yall." envy said. and in a blink of an eye they took off their shiesty. they shook out their locs and looked out to the crowd.

"hey yall." envy said with a wink and a smile. my flash was the first to go off. i ended the video i was taking with my phone. the crowd was dead silent. tione stood there with a grin on his face.
"damn im ugly or sumn?" she said with a laugh. the crowd erupted with screams and camera flashes.
"GIVE IT UP FOR T DA REAL AND CA ENVYYYYYY!" the dj yelled. they danced their way off the stage, envy smiling on her way out. the house lights went on.

"ay yall know the drill, youn gotta go home but yall can't stay here. have a goodnight and be safe!" with that i turned and headed backstage. security stopped me at the door and checked me again. he motioned for me to show my blue wristband which i did. i walked into the room. and was smacked by the weed smell.
"fuck is this?" tione said gesturing to me. i made up my face.

"i could say the same bout that wocky ass line up." i retorted. he stood up and puffed his chest.
"oh please" i said rolling my eyes.
"relax damn." envy said grinning at me. "what you here for?" she asked.
"i'm doing media, i'm alex. it's nice to meet yall." i said. tione nodded his head at me and envy smiled.
"you really think my line wock?" tione said pulling from his blunt. i shook my head no.
"ay big dawg, we still doing the meet n greet?" envy called out to her security.

he nodded and opened the door. three girls ran in. super feminine and girly. two of them ran over to envy immediately. one scooted up next to tione.
"oh my goshhh envy you're so sexy! i can't believe you're a girl!" one of the girls said. envy just smiled. i took a couple pictures and stood in the corner till the left. the process repeated itself about five more times. people came in, i took pictures, then they left.

"so whatchu bouta do gang?" envy asked me as i sat down to transfer the pictures and videos.
"uh im just gonna finish transferring the stuff then edit before sending them off."
"nah im talking about tonight. you turning up with us?" envy asked taking a seat next to me.
"uh no i-"
"oh ight. lemme see the flicks." envy said as she cut me off. i made up my face but showed her the pictures. she leaned in to look at my camera. tione was taking videos of himself and the whole backstage suite.

"ay we bouta get lit back here ladies yall can hit me up and ill let you in." he said as he talked to the camera.
"here go envy lame ass, she don't even want no bitches for real." he said laughing. envy flipped him off and kept looking at my camera.
"send me alla these." she said. i looked up at her.
"i haven't edited the backgrounds or nun s-"
"ion care send em. esp those ones after i took off the ski."
"why did you do that?"
"ion know, tour bouta be done and i guess i wanted to give people sumn to talk about." she replied with a shrug.

"are you worried?"
"bout what?" envy asked.
"before you took off your ski you could just leave the house and be yourself. but now niggas know your face, ain't that shit dangerous?" i said. envy laughed.
"ion cap in my music alex. i always, ALWAYS, keep my shit on me. ain't even worried bout it for real." envy said as she lifted up her shirt a bit. "plus i got security."
"you think people gon treat your music different now that they know you a lady?" i asked. before i could answer a group of women came through the door.

"aye yall made it. get sumn to drink, sit, chill." tione said.
"bruh are you for real?" envy asked with her face made up.
"what? youn like bitches no more?" tione asked laughing.
"ion like no groupies. cmon alex."
"im supposed to be ta-"
"get yo lil ass up bruh." envy said more annoyed. i sure did get my ass up. honestly i didn't wanna be there anyways. one of her security guards walked us out to the sprinter. he opened the door and i got in after envy. she took off her hoodie before sparking up.

"you smoke?" she asked. i shook my head no and checked my phone.
"put that shit away bruh." envy said. i locked my phone and winced. i was sitting in the sprinter the same way bitches sit on niggas beds on the first link.
"alex yo real name?" envy asked me.
"yea... not to be fed but what's yours?". she laughed and blew some smoke out.
"how you gon say not to be fed but then be fed? my name caroline."
"so that's the C, what's the A?" i asked. Caroline laughed again.

"nah nah now you dragging it alex. you gotta smoke wimme if you wanna know more."
"ion smoke." i said before i glanced at my watch. "it's mad late though... so ima head home."
"come on the road wit us..." caroline said. i laughed and raised my eyebrows.
"yall have mad media people. what you need me for?" i asked. carolina shrugged.
"you take nice flicks and you could dress. you could make me fe- look good even when i'm n- whatever but you jacking it?"
"i got other shoots.. this mad last mi-"
"how much they paying you?" caroline asked cutting me off. i wish she would stop doing that.

i pulled out my phone and checked my calendar.
"$250, $400, and $300." i said looking back up at caroline. she pulled from her blunt before talking.
"that's like what, a band? i'll give you that & a half if you finish touring with us."
"you gonna pay me $1500 for two shows?" i asked. caroline nodded and drank some water.
"i got clients though, im not tryna seem unprofessional." i said.
"bruh, i guarantee you finna get better clients if you do these shows with us. more people will see yo shit. imma get you a hotel room in the last two cities and everything." caroline said.

i scratched my head as i thought about it. fuck she was right.
"i'll do it... lemme just drive home and get my shit together then i'll just follow yall wherever."
"you finna drive?" caroline asked making up her face. she ashed the last of her blunt.
"yea i just said that, what's the issue?"
"we got a bus with more then enough room for you..."
"ight be difficult. get what you need or whatever. we leaving here tomorrow morning at like 8. gimme yo phone." caroline said. i handed it to her and she typed in her number.

"come get in this flick wit me." i moved a bit closer to her. she flung her arm around me and threw up an E. she saved her name as C Envy and handed me back my phone.
"so ima see you tomorrow morning?" she asked speaking up again.
"yea ill be at yall hotel on time."
"bet." caroline said. she looked around as i stood up.
"uhh it was nice meeting you.." she said nervously.

i laughed at her demeanor, that weed got her bugging.
"yea same, goodn-"
"lemme walk you to your car." she said speaking over me.
"stop talking over me caroline."
"my bad... so i could walk you?"
"sure." i said. we walked to my car in silence, her security trailing behind us. caroline dapped me up, i felt her inhale me as her head was close to mine.
"ima see you."
"bye envy." i said getting in my car. i watched her walk back to the bus with her security. all i could peep was a slight smile on her face.

♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.

if u get it then u get it🍋‍🟩

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