Chapter 15

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Trigger warning: some topics and memories shown involve mentions of sexual assault and other heavy topics, read at your own risk!

It took two more days of travel to reach the cliffs that overlooked Djerholm, but the going was easier as they moved south and toward the coast. The weather warmed, the ground thawed, and they began to see signs of spring. As they walked into the busy towns of Fjerda, Vernera took in all of the shops that lined the streets. Most of them had carts filled with the most delicious looking food and produce she had ever seen. The smell of cookies filled the air, what she would give to stop and eat all the baked goods she could consume. Some were hanging off of twisted trees that lined the entrance of the bridge to the Ice Court. Vernera couldn't help but wonder if they would cross the bridge again, as victors of the impossible heist. Suddenly Wylan's voice broke her deep thought.

"what are they?" Wylan asked, pausing in front of a  peddler's cart laden with wreaths made of the same twisting branches and silver ribbons.

"Ash trees, sacred to Djel." Matthias answered.

"There's supposed to be one in the middle of the White Island" said Nina, ignoring the warning look Matthias cast her. "It's where the druskelle gather for the listening ceremony." She continued.

Kaz tapped his walking stick on the ground. "Why is this the first I'm hearing of it?" He joined the conversation.

"The ash is sustained by the spirit of Djel," said Matthias. "It's where we may best hear his voice."

Kaz's eyes flickered. "Not what I asked. Why isn't it on our plans?" He rephrased as he began walking closer to Vernera.

"Because it's the holiest place in all of Fierda and not essential to our mission." Matthias shook his head, already losing patience with the Bastard of the Barrel.

"I say what's essential. Anything else you decided to leave out in your great wisdom?"Kaz remarked. Vernera nudged him softly.

"The Ice Court is a vast structure," Matthias said, turning away. "I can't label every crack and corner." He rolled his eyes.

"Then let's hope nothing is lurking in those corners," Kaz replied. Upper Djerholm had no real center, but the bulk of its taverns, inns, and market stalls were clustered around the base of the hill leading to the lce Court. Kaz steered them seemingly aimlessly through the streets until he found a run-down tavern called the Gestinge.

"Here?" Jesper complained, peering into the dank main room. The whole place stank of garlic and fish.

"I would much rather be in one of those little bakeries with the delicious looking cookies." Vernera protested.

Kaz just gave a significant glance upward and said, "Terrace" he ignored their remarks. Jesper let out a sigh and trudged up the steps followed by Nina, Matthias, Inej, and Wylan. Vernera began to head up the steps before Kaz's cane was placed in front of her.

"Yes Mr. Brekker?" Vernera asked looking into his eyes.

"You promised you would take it easy, you wouldn't lie to me would you?" Kaz asked sternly.

"Not this time, I will do strictly as I'm told. No fighting back, no protests." Vernera promised.

"No protests? Now Harther don't go making promises you can't keep." Kaz smirked.

"Ok I'll most likely protest, but I'll end up doing it." Vernera shrugged.

"Good, because this heist is way too dangerous for you to go exploring on your own. I want to make sure I know where you are at all times." Kaz ordered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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