Chapter 2

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Kaz had fallen asleep, which he didn't like to do often. He was back in the water.....piled on the hundreds of dead and decaying bodies. Feeling the squish and clamminess of their skin on his hands. Kaz wanted to scream, wanted to cry out, but nothing happened. He looked to his right to see Jordie....the brother he lost so many years ago. Wake up Jordie! Wake up! Nothing happened. His vision flashed and he was now paddling back to shore, using the corpse of his brother to keep afloat. His hands pruned and slimy as he kept a firm grip onto Jordie's body. Jordie's skin was cold and pale. A texture Kaz wished to never feel again. Kaz tried his best to wake himself up, but nothing was working. He continued to try and scream out, anything to wake himself up.

"Kaz...." He heard faintly. But he was too deep in the water, the trauma he tried so hard to push down within him. He was now drowning, being pulled down farther and farther into the sea. "Kaz..." he swore he heard again. He faintly saw a hand reach out to him, willing to help. As he reached for the hand, he heard a familiar voice.

"Kaz!" Vernera shook his body which caused him to jump awake. He frantically looked around, grounding himself in his reality that was his room. He then looked to see Vernera's concerned expression. "I'm sorry, you were hyperventilating in your sleep I thought you were dying." She said as she turned away from him to give him privacy.

"What do you need." He ignored her explanation as he tried to collect himself.

"Rollins was at the Emerald Palace early this morning, Inej heard word that he's opening a new gambling hall down by the docks. That's what he has been planning." Vernera said as her back continued to face him.

"Right. I have a plan underway on how to stop him once and for all. I need to go to the Dregs, we will need at least 6 men for this job." Kaz said as he stood up and began washing his hands vigorously.

"That's a death wish you know Per Haskell will never make a deal with you." Vernera pointed out as she crossed her arms.

"I'll take my chances." Kaz said as he dried off his hands.

"Kaz?" Vernera asked in a softer tone which made Kaz's heart skip a beat. "Who's Jordie?" She asked. Kaz's held his breath as the name left her lips. He felt himself back on the water, bodies surrounding him, a hope being lost. He didn't even notice that his hands began shaking until Vernera walked over to him. "You were saying his name in your sleep." But still nothing from him. Did I overstep? Of course he won't open up, he never has. She thought to herself. She began walking away.

"He was someone I wish I didn't lose." Kaz spoke up. "Someone who Rollins took away from me." He added. Vernera didn't know what to say. Kaz had never opened up to anyone about his past, what made her so special?

"I'm sorry-"

"I don't want your pity." Kaz spat back. Vernera said nothing. Kaz took a deep breath before turning to face her. "Thank you." He managed to get out. Vernera softly nodded her head. "I need you to continue tracking Rollins, at least until I get the Dregs on our side." He quickly went back into professional mode.

"Shouldn't you have backup with you?" Vernera questioned.

"That won't be necessary. Stay on high ground though, I suspect we will have company with the whole wanted for murder situation." Kaz warned. Vernera nodded again before putting up her mask. And with that, she was out of sight. Kaz felt like he could breathe again.

Further into the Barrel Jesper and Wylan were hard at work, coming up with ways to hit all of Pekka Rollins's businesses. Jesper was scribbling notes onto a piece of paper while Wylan was reorganizing his test tubes.

"I don't understand why you are doing this for him, nothing is worth this." Wylan finally spoke up.

"Kaz is Kaz, we do the job we get paid and I get at least a few months of fun before I'm back to rock bottom. Sounds like a sweet deal to me." Jesper said as he continued to scribble on the paper.

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