04. Double The News

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As I make my way back home with Molly, my travel to college partner I can't help but feel completely drained. Today has been an absolute disaster. And the worst part is, I have to face Chris tomorrow after all that crazy shit that went down.

Just when I thought the chaos was over, Molly starts clearing her throat. Again and again.

I'm like, "What's up, Molly? Got something to say?"

She hesitates for a moment, and then replies, "Well, um, not sure if now's the right time. Let's just leave it for now."

I can't help but feel a mix of curiosity and frustration. "Come on, Molly! Don't leave me hanging like this. Tell me, what is it?" She takes few more seconds to reply.

"I, um, I'm actually dating a guy," Molly finally reveals.

"Hey! That's like, the best news ever! When did you two meet? And when did you start dating him? No need to be all sneaky about your boyfriend, Molly," I chuckle.

Molly grins and leans in closer, her eyes shining with excitement. "Kat, I promise to give you all the juicy details. Matt and Maddy will be in on it too. Just wait a little longer, okay? I'll introduce him to you tomorrow."

I can't help but wonder, "Wait, is there something special happening tomorrow?"

Molly chuckles and replies, "Duh, Kat! It's propose day, you silly goose!"

My jaw drops in surprise. "Oh my god! I can't even! I'm beyond excited for you, Molly. I can't believe I didn't catch on earlier. I guess I was too wrapped up in my own crush."

Molly nods, her smile widening.

"And I wanted to tell you this because I don't wanna keep our thing a secret anymore. I want him to hang out with you guys and be part of the gang." Molly pauses for a second. "Kat, I think I really like him" Molly confesses, blushing.

"Awww!" I squeal and nudge her arms. "Molly's got that love bug, huh? You're such a cutie when you're like this."


Mom was home early and cooking dinner for us. On every Tuesday, she makes Korean food for all of us in my request. She's a big k-drama fan just like me so make it a tradition to watch them together every weekend.

She made jjajangmyeon today. It's like these thick and chewy noodles, completely drenched in this yummy dark brown sauce made with soybeans, beef, and a bunch of veggies like potatoes and carrots. And even better, she served it with some tangy kimchi on the side to add a little extra spice to the whole meal.

"Wow, this jjajangmyeon is seriously amazing, isn't it?" I exclaim to mom and dad.

"Absolutely! The noodles are so perfectly soft, and the sauce is just bursting with flavor," Dad responds.

"I'm so glad you guys are enjoying it," Mom says with a smile.

"It's crazy how you manage to make it taste just like the ones we get at our favorite Korean restaurant. It's even better," I tell Mom.

"Thanks, dear. I've been experimenting with different recipes to get it just right. I'm thrilled that you all love it," Mom shares.

"Let's have some Korean snacks next time, like tteokbokki or kimbap," I suggest.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell, we received an invitation to a destination wedding next month. It's Aunt Rachel's wedding. We still have some time, but I wanted to mentally prepare you because, Katherine, you'll need to be by her side on the big day and make sure everything runs smoothly."

"Me? Why?" I ask, feeling surprised by the news.

"You know how much she adores you. She wants you there with her. She believes you're the perfect fit," Dad explains.

"Oh my god, that's a big task to take on." I reply, feeling the weight of the role.

"Do it right, honey. I'm excited to see you on that day, taking charge and being responsible for the very first time," Mom tells me.


The bell rings, and I take a deep breath, gearing up for Mr. Bratt's class. I haven't seen Chris all day. Will he not make an appearance? 

Hold up a sec. Why the heck am I still fixated on this guy if I don't even want to see him? No, Kat. You need to shake off these thoughts. Besides, it's getting kinda creepy. One turn-off is enough to make my feelings vanish into the thin air.

I take a sit at a desk, surrounded by the other kids. But Chris is nowhere to be seen. What's the deal with him not showing up to class? There's no chance he's skipping just because of what went down between us last time. He probably ain't even losing sleep over it like I am. Katherine, girl, you need to chill. Just let him fly right out of your mind. Shoo shoo!

Finally, the class ends without Chris's not-so-great presence. I head back outside the campus to reunite with my buddies.

"Bonjour les potes and myyy lover girl! What's cracking?" I call out to everyone.

"Oh, hey there, Miss who-got-her-heart-broken-by-a-damn-baby. You have no idea but we've been eagerly awaiting for your grand entrance," Matt replies with a smirk.

"Funny, Matt. How about you hit the mute button and give those vocal cords a little break? Silence is golden you know." I roll my eyes. "Where's our boyfie?" I ask Molly, hoping she spilled the tea to everyone by now.

Instead of answering, Molly keeps her head down, and Maddy and Matt exchange glances before looking at me.

"What? Is something up?" I inquire.

"Well-they-" Maddy begins, but Molly cuts her off, saying, "It's, just a minor spat over nothing. We'll be fine, I'll let you meet him some other time."

"Must be some lover's quarrel. Don't stress too much about it," Matt says.

"Yeah, exactly. You should totally talk it out," Maddy tells Molly.

"Hm, and hey, Kat, I can't come with you to the car today. I gotta be somewhere," Molly tells me.

"Oh, it's all good. You know what? You take the car. I'll just walk home today. Need some fresh air to clear my head," I say.

"You sure that's cool?"

"For sure, take it."


I was walking down the street alone, lost in my own thoughts, when suddenly a goddamn chewing gum decided to stick to my shoe. I started jumping around, all annoyed and flustered. I dug through my bag, hoping to find a tissue to save the day. But no luck.

Just as I was about to give up searching my bag and accept my fate as the gum-stuck shoe girl, I felt someone's presence in front of me. I glanced up, and of course. Chris Bennett. He was totally MIA today. But there he was, like a jack-in-the-box surprise, he swoops in like a superhero to the rescue. Who needs a Batman when I've got, my very own Tissue Man?

I just stood there, staring at him, my jaw practically hitting the ground. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that it was Chris, the same guy who usually ignores my entire existence. Maybe it was his duplicate, like some long-lost twin or maybe I accidentally stepped into an alternate universe where Chris was actually kind.

"My arms are screaming for some mercy at this point. I'll take it back if you don't need it," Chris says in the most deadpan voice ever.

I quickly snap out of my daze and respond, "What? No, no. Here, I'm taking it!" I practically shout and proceed to clean up my gum-stuck shoe.

I know I added too many sceneries this time, sorry for the trouble! :p

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