02. Planning My Destiny

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5 things to do to get Chris's attention towards me

1. Accidentally drop my lunch tray (make sure it makes a loud noise) right by Chris's table in the cafeteria room.
P.S: I don't want to waste food, though.
P.S 2: I'm such a food lover, I can't survive without eating all day
P.S 3: But if I set any restrictions, I might miss my chance with Chris.
P.S 4: Let's save this one for last

2. Go ahead and break those guitar strings in the music room. (I'll probably have to pay for replacements)
P.S: I really need to come up with some better ideas that won't any get me into any trouble

3. Act like I'm losing my balance and fall right into his arms. (dramatically)

4. Carry this massive stack of books to the library but accidentally drop them right next to him and wait for him to notice and offer a helping hand.

5. Make sure to ask lots of questions during history class. (it's Chris's favorite subject so it'll definitely catch his attention)

The bell rings, and Molly catches a peek at my notebook. I quickly hide it without wasting a second. Can't let her see it just yet as I haven't decided to share anything before I achieve my first goal. Plus, the list is quite... incomplete, awkward, and downright embarrassing. I think I should finish writing the rest at home. It's pretty unsafe here.

I passed by Chris and saw him having a conversation with the same two friends I always find him with. If he doesn't stop hanging out with his friends all the time, trying to catch his attention could be as tough as trying to catch a fish in some desert. Like, there's going to be a higher chance of him not noticing me.

I walk into the cafeteria and join my group of friends. Chris's table is just one table away, on the right side of mine. If I sit next to Matt, I'll easily have a clear view of him.

"What took you so long?" Matt asks, giving me a suspicious stare. "We've been here for like 15 minutes, and Molly joined us in just 5."

"Wait a sec, don't you dare give me that look." I reply. "I was in the washroom only. Ask molly."

"Well, you've been looking pretty lost in your own world these days which is, totally out of character for your usual quirky self." Maddy says, smirking. "So tell us, who's the lucky guy?"

I glance at Matt, and he gives me a wink. A damn wink? Then I look at Molly, wondering if she told something to them but her face remains blank. I'm torn between telling them now or waiting until I make a successful move. It's embarrassing to have a crush that's only one-sided, you know? I want to share the news when I finally make progress.

"Relax Madison, patience is key. You'll know when it's the right time." I assure her.

"Oh my god! So there really is a guy?" Maddy exclaims.

I smile and shrug.

Then she continues to pester me about how I've been hiding it all this time and still won't spill it out, while Matt and Molly stay silent, focused on their food, not really giving a damn about our conversation. So I switched the topic into something that's not just related to me, but us.

"So, what's the plan for the upcoming college function? What are you people upto?" I ask.

"I can't come, dude. Dad's coming back home next week, so we're throwing a family get-together at our place. It's gonna be pretty wild, and I won't have any time to practice for this drama thing. But hey, if I can manage to sneak away from the chaos, I'll try to swing by the college drama to support you guys," Maddy explains.

Matt, Molly, and I exchange confused looks, like "What the heck?"

"I thought you and Kat were gonna rock the stage. You know I'm not really into these stuff. Besides, I have my hands full with the scriptwriting already" says Matt.

"Same here, I've been tasked with picking and designing the outfits, not performing," Molly chimes in.

"Okay cool guys but, seriously, Maddy, I can't do Hamlet without you. It won't be the same. We had this whole plan, you know?" I say.

Matt cuts off Maddy, not giving her a chance to reply, "Aaaand my besties, you are actually forgetting the most epic love story ever—Romeo and Juliet!"

We all give him dead stares, not knowing what's on his mind.

Matt rolls his eyes, calling me out, "Kat, use that brain of yours. Do the play with your secret little crush. Convince him!"

"Wait. I'm totally kicking myself right now for not coming up with that earlier." Maddy replies.

"No way, are you two insane? We haven't even started anything, and you expect me to pull off a whole Shakespearean romance? It's impossible!" I protest.

Maddy grins mischievously, determined to make it happen. "You've literally got three whole weeks. You can smoothly make it happen."

"Bro she's right, life's all about making these sick memories with your crush. So freaking go for it when you still have the chance!" Matt tries to hype me up.

But I stay silent, giving everyone a puzzled look. I'm not sure if it's even possible to make Chris develop feelings for me in just three weeks. We also need at least one week to practice together. But then, I can't help but imagine how cute it would be if we actually performed together on stage. People would totally start shipping us and do all the matchmaking work.

"Do it! Do it! Do it!" They all start shouting, gathering a lot of people's attention.

"Alright, alright I'll do it but seriously, you guys might wanna keep it down before I unleash my mad punching skills on each and every one of you," I warn them jokingly.

I glance over at Chris. He's totally worth it. I mean, look at him. So, let's get down to the plan. (Plan 3: Act like I'm losing my balance and fall right into his arms (dramatically)). I have my E. Literature class in exactly 8 minutes. The restroom is in the exact opposite direction of our classroom. So, if I pretend like I'm in a rush to the restroom when he's heading towards the classroom, I can easily bump into him and grab his attention.

"You already look like you have something on your mind," Maddy tells me, giving a confused smile.

"That's right. But promise me you guys won't get involved in this unless I give you the green signal. If we plan together, then the entire college would know about this crush. And I would never want to mess it up like that. It has to be a secret. Sounds good?" I ask everyone.

Everyone nods and seals their lips, making a zip sign.


Hellooo! Thank you so much for finishing the chapter 2!

What do you think is the best idea to steal your crush's attention? Lemme know ~<3

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