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Rora stared at the closed terrace door and scraped her lower lip with her teeth. Had she been cruel? Selfish? Had she even said the right thing to Marshall? It felt right to her, but he looked so drained by it.

Lewie gently wrapped his arms around her, pressing her to his warm chest. "It's okay, baby," he murmured. "I know you're worried about him, but he's going to be alright. He might not be ready to see things the way you do, but he definitely heard you."

"Did you know?" she asked.

"That he had feelings for you?" His chest rose and fell in a soothing rhythm. "I knew. Honestly he worried me more than Ozzy did."

"I didn't have a clue. I just thought..." She trailed off and the rumble in Lewie's chest said he understood.

He rocked her gently as she tried to recontextualise the entire night, and change the outcome, but she couldn't do it. No matter how she reconfigured things, there was no path that would have changed whose arms she ended up in.

It was only ever going to be Lewie and Marshall had known that.

He held her as she closed her eyes and took slow, deep yogic breaths, letting her mind wring itself dry from the what-ifs, maybes, and should haves. His breathing followed hers, as she expanded her belly and chest and lungs. With each release, she felt lighter. There was no point in self-flagellation. Some things were just too complex for regret. All she could do was let it go.

Goosebumps dotted her skin as a cold breeze swept by. She shivered and Lewie chuckled into her hair. "Want to take a warm shower with me?"

"Goddess, I would love that," she said.

"Go on then." He released her and swept up a blanket, wrapping it around her shoulders. "I'll tidy up and join you now, in a minute."

His words jumbled in her head for a moment. "Now, in a minute?"

"It's a Welsh thing, love." He kissed her forehead. "Get in the shower and I'll be there soon."

She shook her head. "No, I can help, too."

His sweet dimples winked into existence. "Alright then."

Together they moved the furniture back into place and gathered up all the bedding. He scoured the area with a detailed eye, making sure they'd left nothing behind. Then they wrapped blankets around themselves and snuck back inside.

Steam filled the quiet bathroom while they scoured their skin of everything but each other. The salty seaside scent of Lewie's body wash enveloped them as the soap sluiced down their backs. He used a flannel and sweetly washed her face and even behind her ears. In turn, she washed his hair, running her nails over his scalp and giggling at the way his whole body shivered excitedly. Her golden retriever.

When they finished, he lifted her onto the counter and grabbed the lotion she'd been applying when the night had taken its radical turn. He flipped the cap open and took a moment to breathe it in, before showing her just how much he loved applying it to her body. He didn't miss a centimetre of her, rubbing it into her elbows and thighs and feet, his fingers strong and sure. She melted beneath his touch as he massaged it tenderly over her breasts and back. By the time he finished, his eyes were glowing sapphire with desire. "Let's get you into bed," he said, his voice thick.

Rora grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself, knotting it at the top. Lewie was right behind her with his slung low on his hips. She turned and ran her fingers over the ridged V of his pelvic bone. "You're pretty," she murmured.

A smile curled at the edges of his lips. "You're prettier." He pulled her close and bent to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around his neck. His chest rumbled with a happy growl and she found herself hoisted into the air. She bit back a shriek as her legs instinctively wrapped around him. Bouncing her a little to get her into a better position, he cupped her arse with his big hands, and carried her down the stairs.

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