Chapter 19

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The end credits of the film began to roll. Sultan had an arm around Aaliyah the other resting on Fatima's hand. Ali sat next to his mother and they tried to adjust to the world around them, having been so engrossed in the film. Aaliyah was the first to get up.

"Let's get going"

Fatima followed and then Sultan and Ali. The crowd of people dispersed, chatter ringing through the hall. They began discussing the movie and how much they enjoyed it laughing to eachother. Aaliyah was lost in thought smiling to herself. After all of these years they finally watched a movie and that too with their two children. In that moment everything seemed worth it, as she looked at them in their bubbles of joy.

Fatima and Ali had grown from babies, to toddlers and from toddlers to teenagers. Their stories became as complex as their parent's and their identities became their own. They struggled and fought and loved and lost. They fell out of faith and found it again.

That's the thing about life. How does one write an end when even death is not it?

Sultan and Aaliyah grew with their children, they cried and laughed, shouted and smiled but the important thing was they did so together and they did so with the belief that things would always get better.

That is what tawakkul is. It isn't just smiling when things go right and thanking Allah for what He has written. It's crying on your prayer mat with the taste of grief in your mouth and still knowing that it is for the better and that He has a plan.

وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ ٱللَّهُ ۖ وَٱللَّهُ خَيْرُ ٱلْمَـٰكِرِينَ 

 {They plan and Allah plans and surely Allah is the best of planners}

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