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Mackenzie instantly dropped the gun.

She knew about adreneline, her uncle had told her all about it before the world went down about how strong of a painkiller it was. He told her about it when she had rang him when Finley broke his arm, anytime she ended up getting into a fight at school ending in a busted nose and anytime her dad had got mad at her or Finley.

She knew that she wouldn’t feel the real pain of the bullet unless she opened her eyes and saw it, saw where she had been shot, saw where the blood was ruining her clothing. She didn't want to see it so she simply kept her eyes squeezed shut, she felt her entire body shaking.

From the other end of the roof, Mackenzie heard both a thud then Merle groaning in pain. She didn't know this, but Rick had somehow grabbed the rifle and hit Merle with it making him fall to the ground then handcuffed him to a pipe on the roof.

“Hey. Hey. Hey hey hey.” Ricks voice was loud but further away then before, he was still stood with Merle. “Mackenzie, listen you’re okay. You're okay.”

Eventually, she opened her eyes. She didn't trust this group enough, she needed to know where they all were. As she opened her eyes, she saw that Merle was handcuffed. Slowly, she started nodding then checked her entire body, down her arms and legs, her stomach. She hadn’t been shot.

She was okay.

He missed.

"You’re okay.” Rick repeated to her, before pulling Merle up by his collar.

“I’m okay.” Mackenzie whispered in response, nodding slightly, Glenn started walking towards her.

“You’re a badass you know that?” He asked “Grabbing a gun thats about the same size as you and threatening a man, we were all too scared to do that.”

Mackenzie nodded slightly again, but she didn't reply she just continued checking her arms and legs, not believing he didn't actually miss. Glenn understood that she didn't want to talk but he stayed near her, just incase.

“Ought to be polite to a man with a gun.” Mackenzie heard Rick telling Merle as she finished checking her limbs, for a fourth time. He had the gun, Merles gun, pointing at his head “Only common sense.”

“Come on.” Glenn whispered to Mackenzie. She followed him to the others who were checking on T-Dog.

When they reached them, T-Dog and Jacqui gave Mackenzie a small smile and started telling her how brave and badass she was. She didn't really pay attention though, she was more focused on Ricks and Merles interaction.

“You wouldn't do that youre a cop” Merle said glaring at Rick.

“All I am anymore is a man looking for his wife and son. Anybody that gets in the way of that is gonna loose.” Rick told him, through gritted teeth, standing up “besides, I still believe in justice and attempted murder is a first degree felony. I’ll give you a minute to think about that”

After he spoke, Rick walked to the edge of the roof. Mackenzie followed but stayed a little behind as Morales, as she overheard Glenn call him when they went to check on T-Dog, started talking to him. She got bored after a while so decided to go back to Glenn and the others, she still didn’t like them but looking over the edge of the roof freaked her out a little.

She kept looking over at Merle, he continue grumbling things to himself. Looking between Rick and the rest of the group Mackenzie decided to go talk to him, yes he had nearly shot her but she felt somewhat bad that he was handcuffed. Even though she was glad about it. Besides, he was handcuffed it wasn't like he could do anything else to her or anyone else.

Slowly, she walked away from Glenn and the group and towards Merle. Glenn had tried pulling her back by her sleeve but she yanked him off, she felt a little bad about it though, and continued walking to Merle. She didn't get too close to him however, she was worried he would find a way out of the cuffs to get her.

“Mr Merle.” Mackenzie said quietly, the only response from Merle was a grunt.

The rest of the group looked up staring at either Merle or Mackenzie in silence.

“What did that mean?” ‘Ain't no black man gonna control me.’” She repeated his words, imitating how he said it.

Merle look up at her and then side eyed both Rick and T-Dog, scoffing at her imitatation.

“Means what I said, I ain't letting no black man control me. That so hard to grasp, girl?” He questioned looking back at her.

Mackenzie looked at Rick, he was looking at her then nodded to a space next to him Mackenzie didn't know what that meant so she looked back at Merle.

“So a white man can?” She asked, tilting her head a little.

“Listen ‘ere girl, and ya listen well.” Merle started “Ain't no man gonna control me, not if he's black not if he's white. No man controls a Dixon. ‘Specially Merle Dixon. Ya got that?” his voice changed slightly, Mackenzie thought he sounded a little scarier.

Mackenzie nodded a little, humming quietly, and everyone else took a step closer, Rick had taken a few more so he was closer to Mackenzie at this point.

“Rick handcuffed you to a roof. And T-Dog has the key, so surely that means both white and black men control you.” Mackenzie shrugged “As my uncle would say, you're their bitch”

Usually, she would be heavily against swearing. Even though her dad swore like a sailor, if she or Finley swore, even once, they wouldn't be able to wipe their eyes without pain for at least a week. But he wasn't here and none of these people were her family, they couldn't punish her.

Glenn and T-Dog burst out laughing resulting in them getting hit on the shoulder by Andrea, who was biting the inside of her cheek. Rick shook his head and tried holding back a smile.

“Man I love this kid!" Tdog announced, laughing “Can we keep her?”

Merle growled and tried to stand up to get closer to Mackenzie, with him being handcuffed to the railing he didn't go far but either way it scared Mackenzie. She scurried back quickly and bumped into Rick who placed his hand on her shoulder and gently pulled her next to him before he started walking towards Merle.

“You got a problem?” Rick asked, pulling his gun out of his holester but keeping it by his side.

“Yea’ my problems your fuckin’ kid. Real pain in my ass.” Merle spat, before actually spitting at Rick.

Within a moment, Rick has his gun aimed directly at Merles head. Mackenzie had only scrunched her faceup, she was not Ricks kid. He was certainly not her dad.

“Wanna try that again?” He asked slowly, tilting his head.

The only response Merle gave him was a scoff. Mackenzie, on the otherhand, ran over to Rick, she wasn't sure what she was going to do so she just stood next to him. She didn't want to see anyone else get shot, she had seen too much of that already. Although it was mainly the mother fuckers getting shot, her head hurt and she didn't want to see anymore blood. Rick looked down at her, sighed, then slowly put his gun back into his holester.

“Pansy ass cop.” Merle muttered, resulting in Rick glaring at him before he guided Mackenzie back to Glenn.

Authors note~
I'm trying to get better at writing and  uploading my stories more frequently, may take a while please give me time :)

If you haven't seen I have changed my other fanfic a little (Last One Standing) I have split up the ocs a little so that story focuses on the Thompson family rather theb other ocs. I will still be using the ocs that I removed they'll just have their own stories so I can write ever character the way I want to.


Word count- 1371

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